Daily Slave
May 29, 2014

The 2014 Bilderberg meeting is set to take place in Denmark at the end of this month. These semi-secret meetings which have been held since the 1950s feature prominent individuals (often Jewish) in corporations, banks, government and politics from North America and Europe. The meetings are not open to the press which has helped fuel speculation as to their true purpose. Although the meeting itself is of interest because of the people who attend, the controlled opposition conspiracy community led by Alex Jones has turned these meetings into an annual circus. It usually features Jones outside the meeting venue foaming at the mouth like he just sniffed a mountain of cocaine yelling insanity through a megaphone. It has become a spectacle of the absurd and actually discourages the average person from researching anything related to Bilderberg. It is entirely counterproductive.
Watch footage from the 2013 Alex Jones Bilderberg Conspiracy Retard Circus
Jones has tried to convince his audience that the Bilderberg Group is the highest level group controlling world affairs. While it is true that there are probably many decisions and business deals that get made at this conference it is ridiculous to believe that this organization controls the world on its own. It is just another forum much like the Council on Foreign Relations used for discourse among various power brokers and intellectuals. Historically a great many of the Bilderberg attendees have been Jewish which shouldn’t be much of a surprise considering their prominent role in institutions of power. Of course Jones doesn’t mention any of this. He is compromised in talking about anything related to Jewish power due to the fact that he’s admittedly married to a Jew wife, has Jew children and has had many Jew sponsors and Jew guests who have supported his radio show.
The Bilderberg Group is being used as another distraction to have people talking about something other than Jewish power. Yes it is noteworthy but it is not as important as Jones and the rest of the conspiracy community want you to believe. This is why many in the major Jew run media outlets in the United States and Europe have started to talk about this conference more and more as each year goes by. The Bilderberg Group even has an official website and has issued press releases and attendee lists. It is less secretive than ever before.
It is also worth noting that the BBC previously invited Jones on a news program to discuss the Bilderberg Group and he ended up coming off like a deranged nut. At the end of the show, Jones started yelling and ranting like an idiot while the host attempted to conclude the broadcast. Besides plugging his website and films several times he accomplished nothing substantive. The average person watching probably thought he was a nutcase.
Alex Jones Acting Like A Coked Up Mad Man On The BBC
It should be interesting to see if Jones shows up at Bilderberg this year. If he does expect to see countless videos of a deranged coked up madman yelling about globalists, martial law and other nonsense outside a hotel while a gaggle of his followers scream their approval. Even if he doesn’t show up we can still expect to see a healthy amount of controlled opposition conspiracy followers at the hotel holding signs and yelling madness at limousines. While this might provide some mild comedic entertainment, it will not do anything to improve our current situation. Jones is a dangerous figure whose true purpose is to prevent any real political change from happening in America by getting people to focus on distractions and other topics that marginalize and deflect the prominent role of Jewish power.