Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 8, 2017

This is the future you chose.

Washington Post:

Macron perceived that the “new divide” among French voters was not between left and right but rather between an open and closed society, Heisbourg said.

Defending an open, multicultural society was a central component of En Marche (Onward), the movement Macron launched in 2016. “Globalization can be a great opportunity,” he said at one point on the campaign trail. “There is no such thing as French culture,” he said at another. “There is culture in France, and it is diverse.”

And that’s the game.

Of course I blame the Jews.

I blame the media.

I blame the education system.

I blame women’s suffrage and feminism generally.

I blame Le Pen.

But the difficult reality here is that when given a choice between destruction of their own society and preservation of it, the French voted – by an extreme margin – to destroy themselves.

This does not mean that we are not going to win in the end.

But it does mean that we have a reality situation that we have to deal with, where the majority of people in multiple major white nations desire their own destruction.