Ghoulish Paki Christiane Amanpour Interviews Spidergoat James Comey: Saying “Lock Her Up” Should be Illegal

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 3, 2019

The Pakistani Ghoul Christiane Amanpour is a CNN host. She used to be on CNN International, so I knew this bitch from airports years ago. At some point – I’m not sure when – they started putting her on normal CNN and I was like “this is shockingly bold to roll out this mutant wench to paksplain to Americans, surely they jest?”

But jest they do not.

This bitch has literally no grasp whatsoever of the Western social order, history or concept of law and justice, and simply tries to force third worldism down the throats of white people.

On Tuesday, she interviewed “The Spidergoat” James Comey, a terrorist kookspiracy hoaxer who was formerly the criminal chieftain of the ADL’s paramilitary enforcement arm, the FBI.

Besides being the inventor of the kookspiracy theory that Donald Trump is an agent of the KGB, which has earned him the title of “The Reverse Q Anon,” Comey is famous for being a sick weirdo.

Most people assume he rapes children.

Spidergoat told Amanpour that the Russian hoax was not a hoax, and that the Russians actually “interfered with our election.” This is a reference to Mueller’s claim that they posted memes on Facebook, which is yet to be verified and can never be verified because the claim is nonfalsifiable and thus nonscientific. There is no way you can prove there isn’t a secret hive of Russians in Adidas tracksuits squatting at laptops, chainsmoking and posting the shittiest memes you’ve ever seen to try to blow the minds of boomers.

The horrible memes that Mueller said Russia posted all had yellow text, which is the worst of all text colors. This looks like parodies of boomer memes. 

Putin has said that the government didn’t do this, and if anyone posted memes on Facebook from Russia, it was probably the Jews. But again: you cannot prove that anyone posted memes from Russia at all. It is impossible.

Spidergoat said that the FBI had good reason to believe that Americans were involved in this yellow text memespiracy, though he doesn’t say what that good reason was. We still have absolutely no idea how this investigation got started – remember, Comey’s FBI started this investigation at least as early as July of 2016 – so it would be interesting to hear about this “good reason.” Though we won’t hear about it ever, and if we do it will be decades from now. It won’t be in the Mueller report.

Spidergoat said: “Look, Russia succeeded beyond its wildest dreams in its effort to damage our democracy, especially – they’ll be back.”

They’ll be back what? Back with more shitty memes? This isn’t even illegal. What is the plan here? To ban Russians from the internet?

This is how devoted these hoaxsters are to their hoax. They’re latching onto this one stupid element of this entire gigantic hoax, and saying that this is what it was always about. It was never about a pisstape and Trump working for the Russian government. It was always about shitty yellow text boomermemes.

The most bizarre moment of an extremely surreal interview that was so disconnected from reality as to make one’s head spin came when Amanpour tried to suck Comey into her third worldist agenda for America, saying that people should have been rounded up by the federal government and thrown in prison for chanting “lock her up” at Trump rallies.

Even kook Comey had to be like “whoa bitch, this isn’t Pakistan.”

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR: “Going forward, the president has said that, you know, I mean you saw we’ve, we’ve put a little bit of what he was saying about you, all sorts of nasty names, et cetera, and that there will be counterinvestigations. You know, sort of accounting for this hoax that exonerated him. You know what I’m saying, to investigate perhaps you, perhaps others. Do you fear that? Do you think that’s coming down the pike?

JAMES COMEY: I don’t fear it personally. I fear it as a citizen, right? Investigate what? Investigate that investigations were conducted and what would be the crime you’d be investigating? It’s a terrible cycle to start. He’s already started it with calling for the locking up of his political opponents, including people like me, and so it’ll just be more of that dangerous step and would I hope, although he’ll continue to disappoint me, the Republicans would finally stand up and say we don’t do that kind of thing. But me personally, ask me questions, go ahead. I’d like to answer them in the daylight if I could, but ask me, ask me questions.

AMANPOUR: I’ve got one question because you just said “lock her up” or “lock me up.” Of course, “lock her up” was a feature of the 2016 Trump campaign. Do you in retrospect wish that people like yourself, the FBI, I mean, the people in charge of law and order, had shut down that language, that it was dangerous potentially, that it could’ve created violence, that it’s kind of hate speech? Should that have been allowed?

COMEY: That’s not a role for government to play. The beauty of this country is people can say what they want, even if it’s misleading and it’s demagoguery. The people who should have shut it down were Republicans, who understand the rule of law and the values that they claim to stand for. Shame on them, but it wasn’t a role for government to play.

Comey presumably actually agrees that the FBI should be rounding up and torturing anyone who says anything against the government. But he is still trying to play “I just believe in laws and so on, you know?”

But there you have the full mindset of the third world hordes on full display – and that is what’s coming to America. As our population is replaced to the point where brown people are the majority, our justice system will be replaced with that of the apes who run the show.

Despite what Ben Shapiro tells you, you cannot sustain an ideology of whiteness in a country of brownness.

There is a reason that every brown country has a corrupt government, and that reason is that brown countries are run by brown people.

The baby boomers thought it would be a fun game to flood America with brown people and see what happened when their children were forced to deal with the consequences. And we’re going to find out the answer to that mystery.