Gibson’s Theory of School Violence: Nice Try, But Something’s Missing

Saboteur 365
June 13, 2014

The darkening of the world’s population would account for increased school violence if the “warrior gene” is more prevalent in the darker races.

The late Tony Gibson’s theory of school violence offers advice that we let youngsters engage in healthy play activities where mild aggression is released. The classic example is a game of cowboys and Indians.

However, schools are reining in children, forcing passivity on them. Gibson’s theory says this will lead to school violence–shootings, knifings, etc.

But the theory fails to note that racial tensions are a prime contributor to school violence. Gibson’s theory is egalitarian, and thus deeply flawed, since the races are not the same. Race is a biological construct, not a social construct.

The warrior gene is alleged by geneticists to be found more often in blacks than in whites. Mixing whites and blacks together in schools, thus creating ethnic tensions, could be the explanation for the increasing levels of black on white violence.

The author of the article, excerpted and linked below, claims that school violence is increasing worldwide. Well of course it is. “Diversity” is increasing worldwide.

Thus, a dystopian, violent “Road Warrior” world is likely to be the outcome.

The late Rodney King’s plaintive cry, “Can’t we all just get along?” can be answered in one word.


White high school teacher fighting with black student in school; the student hit first, the teacher was suspended and later reinstated, if I recall correctly.

The more that a culture (mainly through public schools) anywhere in the world attempts to suppress mildly aggressive or simply physical behaviors that are peculiar to children and make them behave in adult ways that restrict them too greatly, the more likely we are to observe extremes of aggression breaking out and the more that aggressive instincts will be nurtured in adults. Giving drugs to children to suppress their activities and tendencies will tend to produce a greater tendency toward excessive violence, not simply or only by the physical aspects of the drugs but also by psychological reactions to the behavior control. The same outcome will come about by preventing boys from being boys, over-controlling rough and tumble play, overly suppressing taunts, fights, shoves, pushes, and rough sports. Children need the freedom to play with other children, to shout, to roughneck, and to play all kinds of games. They need the freedom to roam around on their own. They shouldn’t be prevented from learning how to shoot rifles or bows and arrows, if this appeals to them. Vicarious video game experiences may or may not provide adequate substitutes for play; I suspect that they do not in general do so.

Guns do not explain youth and school violence because it is worldwide and doesn’t always involve guns. There are other theories than Gibson’s that attempt to explain school violence. There are theories that directly challenge Gibson, arguing that childhood aggression is not a playful thing that children grow out of. They argue that aggression is learned and therefore must be countered or suppressed in one way or another by adults. But if this is true, why are Americans and others experiencing even greater school violence as the attempts to suppress it are heightened?

White teacher helpless to break up Fight involving Black students.