Gigantic TSA Negress Sexually Gropes 10-Year-Old White Girl Over Juice Box

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 7, 2016

Would a White woman have done this to this poor little girl?

This clearly must have caused serious psychological trauma to this girl. It ruined her vacation and the effects will last a lot longer than that.


Sexual assault is always a big deal, but a sexual assault so degrading as this, in public, at the age of ten, will make a huge impression on the psyche, permanently.

Apparently, enough still is not enough, eh White Man?

Independent Journal:

When California resident Kevin Payne and his 10-year-old daughter Vendela were heading home from a holiday vacation in North Carolina, they had no idea the trouble that awaited them.

10-year-old Vendela was stopped by TSA agents at the Raleigh-Durham International Airport and suffered through a pat-down that her father says went too far.

It all started when agents found that the little girl was in possession of a liquid over 3 ounces in her carry-on bag.

The offending liquid?

An innocuous Capri Sun juice pouch.

While the occasional pat-down is just a fact of flying in the modern age, Kevin Payne said the one administered to his daughter veered on inappropriate.

We are allowing our government institutions to be taken over by Blacks, and it is a complete disaster. All of the problems are not so extreme as the sexual groping of little girls, but –

Have you tried to get a driver’s license?

Have you tried to get a passport?

Have you tried to have physical mail delivered?

And how about that retarded Centcom Negro blowing up that French hospital?

All our systems are going up in flames due to this diversity agenda.