Girl Attacked by Monkey Students Because She is White

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 17, 2017

This is why integrating non-Whites with Whites in schools is one of the worst things you could possibly do.

These people hate our race and will violently attack us anywhere at any time, it’s not for no reason when this pattern is so easily recognizable.

Fox News:

Police say a 12-year-old girl was punched in the face at school by another student Monday at the Frontier School of Excellence off 56th Street and Troost in Kansas City.

Chandis Kee said this is the second time in two weeks her daughter was attacked, and she said it’s because of her race.

“About two weeks ago she reported being called racial names,” the mom said.

She said that’s about the time her 12-year-old daughter Blessyed was first attacked by two girls.

“One pushed her and the other one pushed her and she tried to fight back, that was the end of that. They called her racial names that day,” she said.

“She just started hitting me in my face area. Everything went black and every time she hit me, it was just like bursts of light. It happened so fast, and then I wondered, ‘Why would she do this?’ because I didn’t even know the girl. I’ve never seen her or ever talked to her.” Blessyed Kee said.

FOX 4 obtained a copy of the police report from. It describes the victim’s swollen eye, and the vice principal told police “the attack was unprovoked.”

“It’s been multiple times. People call me white when I’m walking down the hallway or [pointing to the playground] we were standing over there one day and someone called me a white curse word,” Blessyed said.

FOX 4 asked the school about the victim’s previous reports of racial slurs and the school said officials “had no prior references to bullying.”

But Kee said, “She did warn them! She did warn them they were calling her racial names in the hallway.”

Kee said she didn’t feel reassured from school officials after either attack and now she doesn’t know what to do with her daughter.

“The school, how are they going to reassure me that they feel safe when she warned them and they didn’t care? She did all the right things,” said Kee. “She doesn`t want to be white anymore. What do I do then? I can`t change her color. She`s white.”

Kee said the school told her girl who punched her daughter was suspended, but they wouldn’t tell her anything more, including the attacker’s name. Kee said that is frustrating because she needs to know who hit her daughter in order to request a restraining order.