Glenn Beck Says Aleksander Dugin is “One of the Most Dangerous Men Alive”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 23, 2015

Weird Jew-lover Glenn Beck has released a video claiming that Aleksander Dugin is “one of the most dangerous men on the planet.”

He calls him both a communist and a fascist, in a sick neo-liberal attack on right-wing ideology.

Many in pro-White circles have claimed Dugin is not all that great, with some calling him a “Russian neo-conservative.”  That particular classification is dumb, even if you don’t like the man, as his ideology has nothing to do with American neo-conservatism, which is just social liberalism/capitalism plus an aggressive neo-colonialist foreign policy.  Glenn Beck is a neo-conservative – he is an anti-racist, anti-socialist, pro-war figure.

Claiming that someone is both communist and fascist and thus bad is bizarre, not only because it would be impossible to be both things, but because anyone on any part of the political spectrum who understands what politics are is going to feel closer to one or the other system.  Though a moderate left-winger may not be a full-on communist, he is still able to recognize communism as an extreme version of his own ideology.  The same goes for the relationship between a moderate right-winger and Fascism.

All of these terms become confusing and meaningless when they are used so liberally and detached from the real world, but both communism and Fascism existed as the basis of historical states, so both can be objectively defined and understood in that context.

Communist states were, at their core, about revolution against the old order and establishing a new concept of human existence, whereas Fascism was about preserving the old order by creating a system to work it into the modern industrial and post-industrial framework. There are obviously a lot of details, but those are the foundational concepts of each system.

Most all modern systems are closer to communism than they are to Fascism, with the Western system of “democracy” working its way toward becoming indistinguishable from communism as it seeks to completely crush our history and our historical existence, to literally erase the memory of European civilization.  Whatever your personal opinion Russia, it is must closer to Fascism, in that it celebrates a historical identity (nation, religion, history) and seeks to weed out that which would weaken or seriously alter the collective’s conception of itself (homosexuality, atheism, decadent materialism).

Traditional Americanism had very much in common with Fascism, in that European identity was celebrated and tradition upheld.  As such, it was difficult to frame WWII as an ideological war, other than by claiming that Hitler was “against freedom,” then making up atrocity lies.

Glenn Beck is basically just stupid, or else very good at inventing and marketing stupid ideas.

He is also apparently seriously mentally ill.

Watch this.