Global Warmers Call for Reducing Population Through Women’s Rights and Education

These people never bothered to provide any evidence global warming was real. Nothing has changed in this goofy movement since Al Gore won an Academy Award and a Nobel Peace Prize for telling people New York City would be underwater by 2013.

Global warming is a complete hoax, and anyone who knows anything is aware of that. The hoax has been so thoroughly debunked that there is no reason to even talk about it at this point.

However, due to a stupid, vaginal, emotionalized campaign to tell people they are good people if they believe in this dumb hoax, many people apparently do believe in it, and they can just keep pushing it further and further. They’ve of course backed off of the “cities will be underwater” bullshit, because that was ruled too stupid. But now they say any change in weather is caused by this fake thing, and are recently arguing for an incoming “societal collapse.”

Their solutions are all related to social engineering. If they actually believed carbon dioxide was a threat, they could just build nuclear power plants to power Chinese EVs and be done with it. Of course, that would only take a decade or so, and then they wouldn’t have any reason to push for all of these social engineering agendas.

The Guardian:

Many of the Earth’s “vital signs” have hit record extremes, indicating that “the future of humanity hangs in the balance”, a group of the world’s most senior climate experts has said.

More and more scientists are now looking into the possibility of societal collapse, said the report, which assessed 35 vital signs in 2023 and found that 25 were worse than ever recorded, including carbon dioxide levels and human population. This indicates a “critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis”, they said.

Global heating is driving increasingly deadly extreme weather across the world, they said, including hurricanes in the US and 50C heatwaves in India, with billions of people now exposed to extreme heat.

The scientists said their goal was “to provide clear, evidence-based insights that inspire informed and bold responses from citizens to researchers and world leaders – we just want to act truthfully and tell it like it is”. Decisive, fast action was imperative, they said, to limit human suffering, including slashing fossil fuel burning and methane emissions, cutting overconsumption and waste by the rich, and encouraging a switch towards plant-based foods.

The researchers said global heating was part of a wider crisis, which included pollution, the destruction of nature and rising economic inequality: “Climate change is a glaring symptom of a deeper systemic issue: ecological overshoot, [which] is an inherently unstable state that cannot persist indefinitely. As the risk of Earth’s climate system switching to a catastrophic state rises, more and more scientists have begun to research the possibility of societal collapse. Even in the absence of global collapse, climate change could cause many millions of additional deaths by 2050. We need bold, transformative change.”

Among the policies the scientists recommend for rapid adoption are gradually reducing the human population through empowering education and rights for girls and women, protecting restoring, or rewilding ecosystems, and integrating climate change education into global curriculums to boost awareness and action.

You see? They will admit that women’s rights destroys the birthrate when they are arguing for purposefully destroying the birthrate.

However, when countries like South Korea or Hungary are trying to increase the birthrate, all of a sudden it’s an economic issue, and the government just needs to throw free money at stupid whores to get them to reproduce.

Let that sink in: these people admit that women’s rights destroys birthrates.

It’s not a theory. Everyone knows this.