Global Warmers Caught Hoaxing Data Again

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 30, 2016


Muffugguh we botta run outta ice up in dis bitch. I gotsta feed dees keeds, nigga. Need mo money fo dem alternative energy programs.

I prefer not to speak on matters which are beyond my own scope of understanding. For instance, I’m not a climate scientist, so I don’t have a strong opinion on whether or not “global warming” is a real thing. However, I do know that there is a political agenda behind the push to introduce global regulations and taxes based on the theory of global warming.

And it is extremely suspicious that they keep hoaxing this data.


You’ve read about the climate fraud committed ‘on an unbelievable scale’ by the shysters at NASA.

You’ve read about how NOAA overestimated US warming by 50 percent.

Now it’s NSIDC’s turn to be caught red-handed fiddling the data and cooking the books.

NSIDC – National Snow and Ice Data Center – is the US government agency which provides the official statistics on such matters as sea ice coverage in the Arctic.

Naturally its research is of paramount importance to the climate alarmists’ narrative that man-made global warming is causing the polar ice caps to melt. At least it was until those ice caps refused to play ball…

Where the alarmists have for years been doomily predicting ice free summers in the Arctic –  according to Al Gore in 2007, 2008 and 2009 it would be gone by 2013 – the truth is that multi-year ice has been staging a recovery since 2009.

So what do you do if reality doesn’t suit your narrative? Simple. If you’re NSIDC (and NASA and NOAA…) you just change reality.

NSIDC’s latest attempt to breathe new life into the corpse of the alarmist narrative comprised a press release a few weeks ago claiming that 5+ year old sea ice is at its smallest level on record.

Here’s a graph showing the decline – and then the rise – of the ice caps:

age_coverage_time_series_83_15_w_labels2The media and political establishment has largely stopped talking about global over the last few years, partially because there are more pressing concerns (invading us with third worlders, inciting Blacks to riot, etc.), and presumably because of this data problem.

Here’s the new graph NSIDC has released, flipping the thing upside down and showing the older ice shrinking:


Along with changing the style, they also altered the data.

Here’s the comparison of their old numbers to their new numbers:


They also deleted the old records.

These climate scientists got kids to feed, dawg.