Glorious Leader Invites TOTAL BROS Who Threw-Out Protester Up on Stage

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 17, 2016

In what is probably one of the most emotionally moving moments so far in the Trump campaign for me personally, at the rally in North Augusta, South Carolina, Trump called onto the stage two TOTAL BROS who ejected an evil protester.

The two men both gave excellent short statements saying what they think of Trump. The younger gentleman was an Iraq war veteran. The whole scene simply could not have been more beautiful. Truly, don’t be surprised if you tear-up just a bit.

In scenes like this, we can get an idea of just how great America is going to be when Donald Trump rules it. I mean, this is going to be like a fantasy come to life. We are going to change everything. Most importantly, we are going to have a sense of identity as White Americans who are proud of our country, proud of our ancestors and history and proud of who we are.


Like the first guy who spoke, I was a little bit skeptical at first. I endorsed him before anyone else in the pro-White movement because I thought he was hilarious, mainly, and also he talked about Mexican rapists. But this whole thing has just gotten better and better and better, seemingly by the hour. I Google News search “Trump” six times a day and every time it’s like “yep, got better.”

We’re going to get much more than lols.

We’re started the fire.