Glorious Leader on George Stepopopolous Telling the Truth About His Rallies and the Protesters

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 21, 2016

This is a fantastic interview.

Trump tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth when pressed by George Stepopopolous about the nature of his rallies and the faggot/communist protesters who attack them and try to shut them down.

Awesomely, he totally refuses to condemn the BASED BLACK who beat the hell out of that probable Jew in Arizona. George keeps pressing him to condemn him and he won’t.

After the rally/protest/violence talk, they go on to talk generally about the state of the race and the possibility of a brokered convention.

Funniest part: “Ted Cruz is the biggest liar I’ve ever met. He lies about everything. He lies about things that don’t matter.”