Glorious Leader Tweets Hillary Image with Dollars and Jew Star

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2016


Hero Trump has made history yet again by tweeting a meme of Hillary Clinton featuring her image with a Star of David over top hundred dollar bills. Inside the Jew star it reads “Most corrupt candidate ever!”

It is indeed true that she is the most corrupt candidate ever, and it is also indeed true that the overwhelming majority of her corruption money comes from Jew sources.

This is, yet again, dog-whistling by The Leader. It comes just after he made some offensive comments about Israel being our friend – he says this for the evangelicals, then he signals to us – his real supporters – that we need not worry, he is just shilling a bit to get into power at which point he will shut down the entire Jew agenda.

The Yid media is flipping out.

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But it doesn’t matter. Because the evangelicals will listen to his pro-Israel statements, while we will listen to his signals. Everybody wins. They can even report on me saying this is a dog-whistle – it doesn’t matter.

Also, by pushing this into the media, the Jews bring to the public the fact that yes, the majority of Hilary’s donors are filthy Jew terrorists.

Trump’s Israel Rhetoric

As far as Trump’s pro-Israel statements – I don’t care. Besides the dog-whistling confirmation that these are just said to appease the evangacucks, Israel is currently the least immediately threatening aspect of the Jew agenda.

Of much more immediate importance are these aspects of the Jew agenda:

  1. Mass non-White immigration
  2. Insane social engineering programs
  3. Warmongering
  4. Financial manipulations and rip-offs

Basically in that order.

Of course, Israel is connected to the warmongering (only through control of our own government, however), but Trump doesn’t say anything on that. All he says is “Israel’s security,” which means continuing to send them weapons and allowing them to continue to build settlements in the West Bank. Obviously, I would rather not send the Jews weapons, but in the larger scheme of things, this has become a pretty minor issue. The West Bank settlements I don’t really care about at all – that’s the problem of the Arabs.

That said, I absolutely support confronting Trump on any pro-Israel rhetoric – starting Friday, January 21st, 2017.

But after that day, we’re going to be hearing a whole lot less of that rhetoric. I can tell you that.