Glorious Trump: Coloreds Cower in Fear as High School Girls Soccer Team Chants “Build That Wall”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2016

The Donald continues to be the most powerful force of White unity this country has seen in the last hundred years (when White unity already existed by default anyway).

Trump chants are now instinctual for Whites whenever someone is opposed to a foreign force. Though these girls surely couldn’t articulate why they started the chant, their blood knows why.

Daily Mail:

A high school soccer team made up of mostly black and Latina girls have been left traumatized after rival fans repeatedly chanted: ‘Donald Trump, build that wall.’


Imagine their trauma on January 20th when Trump cries HAVOC and let’s slip the DEPORTATION FORCE.


“Back to Mexico on a bus or in a bodybag – it’s all the same to us!” -Jimmy Heisenberg, Chief of the DEPORTATION FORCE

The day is coming!

Elkhorn Area High School girls were beating Beloit Memorial High School 5-0 during a friendly game in Wisconsin on Thursday when Elkhorn supporters started taunting Beloit players.

Oh, brown people failing at something – who would have guessed it???

Beloit coach Brian Denu said some of his players were so upset by the vile chants that they had to leave the field of play.

Denu told Channel 3000 his players had never been subject to racist abuse before and that one of the girls was so mortified by the taunts that she had to be cradled by another trainer.

This triggercaust hasn’t even begun, mamacita.

‘They came off the field and weren’t able to finish the game because they were too upset and distraught over what happened to them,’ Denu said.

‘One of the girls was cradled in the arms of one of our assistant coaches for a good 15 to 20 minutes.

‘Those are just words you’ll never be able to take back from those kids and an experience that you wish you could take back. It was really disturbing for them.’

Such poor victims!

Guess who doesn’t care anymore????


The Age of Feelings has ended, you whining bitches!

The Age of the Shitlord has dawned!

Or should I say “DONNED”?


You’d better come up with a new strategy!

The coach said he could see ‘hurt and pain’ etched on the girls’ faces as they tried to carry on playing, but some were too overcome with emotion to continue.

He said the Trump chants came from a ‘small pocket’ of the Elkhorn fans, but that it was enough to do lasting damage to his students.

Sorry, you fat faggot – the tiny violin factory relocated to Mexico!

And we only BUY AMERICAN!

Elkhorn High School, which is 85 per cent white, has launched an investigation.

Jason Tadlock, from Elkhorn School District, said: ‘We have confirmed that some students near the sidelines yelled inappropriate/offensive comments toward some of the players, and a student or two from the student section,’

‘Our investigation is ongoing, and I would be happy to comment further once it is completed. ‘

“Initial findings indicate that the opposing team was composed of disgusting wetbacks who deserve nothing less than the removal our team was calling for,” he added, laughing.

The future is here.

The White race is back.

Our avatar has released us to be our we always were.

Jews hate happiness.