GoFundMe: Antifa Girl Louise Rosealma Needs $80,000 Because She Got Punched in the Face!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2017

Antifa girl went to a rally to try and scalp Nazis, and she ended up getting straight clocked in the face by the Prophet of WHITE SHARIA, Nathan Damigo.

Not only was she punched, but then the diabolical hordes of 4chan found her hairy vag fetish porno pics and spammed them everywhere and sent them to her family members.

Full extensive story is here.

Because of this, she no needs to be given $80,000 for free.

From her GoFundMe page:

As if being hospitalized with a concussion by the infamous founder, Nathan Damigo of the neo-nazi organization Identity Evropa wasn’t punishment enough for 95lb Louise Rosealma -for her protest at the grizzly display of violent chauvinism she’d braved to take a stand against Saturday afternoon in Berkeley- she’s since become sensationalized by the online fascist community as a prized target for the unrelenting viral campaign of death and rape-threats to follow that seem to be increasing by the hour. (Google “antifa girl” and see for yourself)

Her identity, home and cell phone numbers, home address, emails, friends and family’s residences, extremely sensitive and endangering occupational material have all been doxxed and spammed across every unspeakable online message board responsible for Donald Trump’s presidency. The poor girl doesn’t have a place on earth to hide that hasn’t been compromised and it doesn’t appear that the onslaught is going to end any time soon.

We don’t even know where to begin, she’s going to require follow up medical attention, a new residence, new employment, may need to change her identity as well, but we don’t want to let the fascists win either and we’re encouraging her to seek legal aide to file suit for damages and work to have this repulsive organization shut down. Anything you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Presently waiting for word back from support at https://www.tiaacharitable.org/how-a-donor-advised-fund-works/?invite=true&gclid=CJPswqSUrNMCFY9LDQod82ENDw to see if funds (five comrades *one of whom being Louise* serving as the donor/advisory board of the fund) will be receivable toward the establishment of a 501c3 organization for purposes somewhere in the range between a Democracy@Work Action Group and an Antifa organization. We’re going to take the fight against fascism to its economic roots!

At time of writing, she’s received $5,058 of her requested $80,000.

Though some donors appear to be donating simply to be given the opportunity to make a statement against her stupid, whore behavior.

This really gives you insight into the female psyche right here:

  • Men and women are exactly equal
  • I will go to a riot to prove this point by attacking men
  • A man fought back
  • I am a helpless little girl who has been abused by a male, much stronger than me
  • Give me $80,000

This is an extreme case, of course, but it is only extreme because it is on display, publicly, in such a ridiculous fashion.

This is the way that all modern women think.

“Think” is an overstatement, of course. It’s a primitive, instinctive behavior pattern which does not in fact involve any actual thought.

Let It be Known

This is what happens when you fuck with us.

You might be playing a game. Based on my extensive study of antifa “ideology,” it is clear to me that they are playing a game, or that they are simply drug-addled to the point where they have no ability to understand reality, or even grasp the fact that reality exists.

But we are not playing a game.

We are not fighting for an abstract, confusing, mostly undefined ideology.

We are fighting for our existence.

And that is not a battle you can win.

This girl brought this on herself, and doesn’t deserve a penny of free money or an instant of sympathy, but she is surely right in saying her life has been destroyed. Can you imagine her father seeing these images of her disgusting gaping hairy vagina spammed in his email box forever?

This is the sort of thing that people do not recover from.

And this is the sort of thing that happens to people who fuck with us.

Louise Rosealma made a decision, and she is suffering he consequences of that decision. She is being made example of. And there are many, many more such examples to come.

You do not play a game with people who are fighting a war.