GoFundMe Rats Remove 4Chan Billboard Against Negrocalypse

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 28, 2014

We had a chance, but now it's over.  Thanks GoFundMe for ensuring we all get raped and/or murdered by Black people.
We had a chance, but now it’s over. Thanks GoFundMe for ensuring we all get raped and/or murdered by Black people.

The just and righteous freedom fighters of 4chan’s /pol/ devised a plan to stop the coming Negro apocalypse in Ferguson which is set to begin in approximately whenever it is announced that Hero Darren will not face charges for defending himself against the horrible Black violent giant Michael Brown.

Some members of the board set up a GoFundMe page to solicit donations from the people for a billboard that read “#PantsUpDontLoot,” which the Blacks would see and then feel ashamed of their actions and stop destroying everything. GoFundMe removed the page, and thus sealed our doom.

Antisemitic cartoonist and serial bomber Ben Garrison had endorsed the billboard on his Twitter page, saying “Short of a nuke, this is the best option we have to #StopTheseNiggers.”

But that ship has officially sailed.  The best we can do now is stock up on ammo and prepare for the worst thing which has ever happened.