Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 29, 2015

The Great and Mighty Greek nationalists of the Golden Dawn released a statement Wednesday backing the new Syriza government’s decision to stand up to the EU on their anti-Russia positions and their move to stop further privatization of the country’s public infrastructure.
“It has always been Golden Dawn’s position… that Greece should not participate in EU or USA sanctions against Russia,” the far right party said. “Our national interests and geopolitical facts dictate this stance.”
The new Greek government objected on Tuesday to a statement by the European Council which called for further sanctions on Russia over the war in eastern Ukraine. Athens is reported to be mulling using its veto at Thursday’s meeting of EU foreign ministers.
Golden Dawn also appeared to back the government’s decision to stop a number of privatizations that had been lined up by the previous coalition.
“We consider privatizations to be selling of our homeland and have previously stated our position against the privatization of the Piraeus Port Authority and the Public Power Corporation.”
The port was going to be sold off to the Chinese before Syriza shut down the deal.
Though there are obviously serious and fundamental differences between GD and Syriza, the fact that they are closer to each other than either is to the ruling “moderate” establishment is very telling, is it not?