Golden Dawn’s Ilias Kasidiaris Tells Greek Parliament: “You are all Worthless Traitors!“

XA Ameriki
December 6, 2013

“This morning, anti terrorist police officers raided the homes of three MPs. They kicked out of her house, a pregnant woman who is due to have a baby in 10 days, and 3 year old children from their home! This proves that this government is a Junta and not only is it a junta, it is a junta full of karagiozides!” ( karagiozides is Greek expression,  a type of clown/puppet).

MP Pres: “Mr. Kasidiaris please stop.”

“I am an MP, and they put me in handcuffs, do you understand! They wanted the media to show us getting arrested so that Samaras can go to the  Americans and say look what we did with Golden Dawn!

MP Pres: “Are you done!?

They tried to show that Syriza polls are higher than golden dawn. They put judges against Golden Dawn. We have all the documents for this illegal act! The minister of justice even go to the advocate of arios pagos! 

MP Pres: “Stop yelling.”

You are going against the acts of good for our people. We showed that the Syntagmatos square. We have all the documents, and if we don’t find justice here we will go to the European Union court of human rights! You are all worthless and your government is a junta and only a junta!” 

MP Pres: “Don’t write down his statement in the record.”

You are all worthless and traitors!