Golden Gate Bridge Will Close During Marathon So as People Don’t Get Blown Up by Moslems

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 23, 2017

It isn’t so much that Moslems have a problematic culture, it is just that they have a culture which involves blowing you up in the name of their magic black rock desert god.


The world famous Golden Gate Bridge will for the first time shut its northbound lanes for the duration of San Francisco marathon. The unprecedented measure is being implemented as a precaution in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Europe where assailants mowed down crowds with vehicles.

“We wanted to make sure that the tragic incidents seen around the world as drivers have intentionally driven into crowds, was not repeated here at the Golden Gate Bridge,” Golden Gate Bridge spokeswoman Priya David Clemens told local reporters.

The decision to shut down part of the traffic on the bridge that leads out of the city has been requested by the Bridge Board of Directors citing“consideration of the recent tragedies brought on by those intentionally driving vehicles into crowds of pedestrians at notable locations.”

Bridge administrators even wanted city authorities to cancel the 40th Marathon, but decided it was too late.

“The Board feels it is too late to simply cancel the event. This is a one-time decision to close the Bridge northbound for this specific event,” GGB said in a statement last month.

While the northbound lanes will be closed to traffic, southbound lanes will be kept open as there is a safety barrier separating participants from drivers.

Some 27,000 runners that are expected to take part in Sunday’s marathon will be protected from southbound traffic by a steel and concrete median barrier. In the past, only construction cones separated the runners from northbound traffic.

Authorities estimate that some 4,500 northbound vehicles will be diverted during the temporary closure which will be imposed from 6am to 9am Sunday.

Closing bridges and living in constant fear of being randomly murdered, however, is a very small price to pay for the level of vibrancy we receive from the Islam community.

What I want to know is why is it called the “Golden Gate Bridge” when it is in fact a red bridge?