“Good Black” Bill Cosby will Stand Trial for Rape

Daily Stormer
May 26, 2016


Regrettably, even the “good Blacks” are rapists.

Daily Mail:

Bill Cosby is heading to trial on charges he sexually assaulted a woman over a decade ago.

The disgraced comedian, 78, learned the news inside a Norristown, Pennsylvania courtroom on Tuesday after Montgomery County prosecutors spent the morning presenting their case to the judge and laying out why they believe they have enough evidence to send the case to trial.

Cosby decided to waive his right to a formal arraignment after the judge’s decision, which would have taken place on July 20.

Cosby is accused of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his mansion in January 2004 and is facing three felony counts of aggravated indecent assault.

If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine.

The prosecution decided not to call Cosby’s accuser to the stand on Tuesday, instead having Detective Katherine Hart read the affidavit Constand gave when she reported the alleged assault by Cosby.

That decision later led Cosby’s lawyer Brian McMonagle to call the proceedings a ‘travesty of justice.’

Leaving the courtroom McMonagle said; ‘They had 12 years to bring a case, they didn’t. And what [the prosecution] presented today was evidence of nothing.

‘They had 12 years to bring an accuser to confront Mr. Cosby, they chose not to.

‘There was no evidence of a crime here. And the inconsistencies that plagued this investigation from the beginning continue to plague it now. This case should end immediately.’