Good Boys Rob White Judge and Her Lawyer Husband

Daily Stormer
December 8, 2015


This is especially shocking because they were good boys going to church and getting their life on track.


Cincinnati attorney Stan Chesley and his wife, Judge Susan Dlott, were robbed at gunpoint in their Indian Hill home Friday at around 10:40 p.m., according to police.

The men broke in through a locked back door and took IDs, credit cards, fur coats, jewelry and other items from the couple at gunpoint, Indian Hill police said. The men were armed with handguns and a stun gun, police said.

Police reports said the three suspects “kicked in the basement door of the victims’ residence, committed theft and pointed guns at (Chesley and Dlott)’s heads.”

The suspects — Terry Jackson, 21, Darrell Kinney, 20, and Demetrius Williams, 20 — were apprehended by Madeira police following a traffic stop the same evening.

Police made the stop because the men rolled through a stop sign. Kinney kicked out a window in the police cruiser and tried to run away before an officer tackled him, police said.

Police also spotted a fur coat sticking out of the trunk, they said. A search turned up the stolen items, weapons and three rifles in the trunk, two of which were loaded according to police.

All three suspects were charged with aggravated robbery and two counts of abduction each. They all used semi-automatic pistols during the robbery, court documents said. Kinney was also charged with vandalism and escape.

Police said they are “not looking for anyone else at this time.”

Stolen property from Chesley and Dlott’s home was found in the car, according to the affidavit.

Chesley and Dlott’s six bedroom, seven bathroom home sits on five acres on Camargo Road in Indian Hill, records from the Hamilton County Auditor’s Office shows.