Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 16, 2014

The grandson of Rudolf Hoess, the Auschwitz commandant who was admittedly tortured into giving a ridiculous false confession to the insane fantasy crimes of the Jews at Nuremberg, has come out to condemn his grandfather and call for more power to be given to the Jews.
Rainer Hoess, like many Germans, has spent his entire life apologizing for fantasy crimes invented by the Jews. Now, he is participating in a European movement to stop “Neo-Nazis” and ensure that the Jews rule for thousands of years to come.
From the Times of Israel:
Now aged 48, Hoess has turned his family burden into the driving force of a full-time commitment to fighting right-wing extremism.
He was in Sweden recently to promote a campaign against the rise of neo-Nazi movements across Europe, launched Wednesday ahead of the upcoming European elections.
“Right-wing extremists are not stupid,” he said. “They are growing, gaining ground, very slowly but very effectively.”
“I’m very aggressive against them,” added Hoess, who has turned down multiple offers to participate in neo-Nazi events.
“Every time I have the chance to work against them, I will do that.”
Entitled “Never Forget. To Vote”, the campaign launched by the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League (SSU) ahead of the May 22-25 vote sees the ballot box as the best defence against resurgent far-right extremism.
“To have Rainer at the front of this initiative is a way to show that he can never forget and we should never either,” SSU head Gabriel WikstroEntitled “Never Forget. To Vote”, the campaign launched by the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League (SSU) ahead of the May 22-25 vote sees the ballot box as the best defence against resurgent far-right extremism.em said.
You would think that being the descendent of someone who was admittedly tortured for a false confession to ridiculous and cartoonish behaviors would have researched the topic, and come to the conclusion that the Jews were lying and his grandfather was a war hero rather than a war criminal.
But Germans have this kind nature, which is their weakness as much as it was their strength. They cannot break free of their altruism, which has been redirected into a guilt complex, and view reality.