Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
August 31, 2017
Normal men dating obese women, such as Jennifer Lopez, must be put to an end.
As you may have heard, we at the Daily Stormer are currently in our special “obesity awareness edition.” We take the social problem of widespread obesity very seriously.
One of the biggest causes of obesity is that some perverted men experience a sort of sick attraction to fat women, and thus enable these fatties in their decadence. As part of our mission to stop the obesity epidemic, we have decided that these men must mend their ways and join the fat-shaming movement with the rest of us.
But while we initially thought that this would require intensive psychological treatment or some kind of spiritual experience, new research seems to indicate that “fat lovers” can be cured with relatively simple and painless methods.
This is heartening news. I’m officially heartened.
Looking at images of skinny women for just 15 minutes is all it takes to change a man’s taste, researchers have found.
The findings, based on the response from a group of remote villagers without access to the internet, were the same for photos of plus-sized models.
It’s the first study of its kind to prove that beauty ideals can change easily – even in those cultures not ‘driven for thinness’.
British scientists tested the idea of image exposure in those who aren’t bombarded with constant body ideals through the internet and TV.
As it turns out, a short exposure of 15 minutes of skinny bitches is all it takes to set a man’s head straight.
If you like chubby girls and/or have dated Jennifer Lopez, look at pictures like this 15 minutes per day. Doctor’s order.
They visited the Mosquito Coast of Nicaragua for the study, where the locals aren’t accustomed to the electricity and are considered naive to the media.
Dr Jean-Luc Jucker, of Durham University, led the research, which was based on 80 participants of both genders.
What did the researchers say?
He said: ‘The thin ideal is the western concept of an ideally slim… female body and its omnipresence in the mass media has a negative impact on women’s health.
‘Media consumption is associated with a drive for thinness, body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and disordered eating in women of western societies.
Okay, so the researchers are mentally retarded.
Does that mean their cure should be discarded out of hand? I say, more research is necessary.
The obvious reality here is the opposite of what they’re portraying; if all you know is fat women, you come to get used to it and think of it as “normal.” But a short exposure to the possibility of thin, healthy women will cure your of that illusion and your standards will adjust accordingly.
Also, there’s nothing “healthy” about being a sack of lard. If seeing pictures of healthy people makes women insecure, then good – maybe they’ll do something constructive about it and get in shape.