Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 15, 2014

The Jews of the ADL have announced some starling and highly comforting polls which they claim indicate that 25% of the world’s population hates the Jews.
Nearly half of those surveyed had never even heard of their stupid Holohoax gibberish, which breaks their little rat hearts, and the people who liked them most were the Asians, who generally don’t even know what a Jew is and so do not hate them with fierce rage.
Conducted by First International Resources and commissioned by the Anti-Defamation League, the poll included 102 countries which they claim represents 88% of the world’s adult population. People were asked, in their own languages, whether a series of “traditionally Antisemitic statements” are “probably true or false,” and there level of Jew-hatred was determined by how many they said were “probably true.”
They define an Antisemite as someone who believes 6 or more of the 11 statements to be “probably true.” In the Middle East and North Africa, 74% of the people believed 6 or more to be true, while in the whole of the allegedly 88% of the world questioned, 26% did.

The most widely “believed” (read: acknowledged as an obvious fact) statement was that the Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the countries they live in.
Abe Foxman, the chief terrorist of the ADL, said that the survey represented “the first time we have a real sense of how pervasive and persistent anti-Semitism is today around the world.”

In the statement released on the study, he added, “The data from the Global 100 Index enables us to look beyond anti-Semitic incidents and rhetoric and quantify the prevalence of anti-Semitic attitudes across the globe. We can now identify hotspots, as well as countries and regions of the world where hatred of Jews is essentially nonexistent.”
It is important to be consider the nature of the source – the ADL has a vicious agenda of both making the Jews look like a poor persecuted group and at the same time trying to get people not to hate the Jews.
Still, I feel it is highly probable that at least this many people hate the Jews. It is really only in Western Europe and America that we have been so thoroughly brainwashed as to believe that this parasitical alien people represent anything other than a deadly threat to our existence.
Please note that in actual fact, the questions asked have nothing to do with hating the Jews, but merely gauging their global influence. In this context, for whatever reason, the Jews view people who believe they have a high level of influence as hating them.

The ADL’s full 49-page report can be downloaded here (.pdf).
The report lists the world’s top Antisemitic nations, in order of their supposed hatred for the Jews – which again, is really just their level of understanding of Jewish influence on global affairs.
I would like to offer my congratulations to Greece, who at number 17, has 69% Antisemites, and as such has more Jew haters – that is, people aware of Jewish influence – than any other non-Muslim country.

The most pathetic Jew-lovers in Europe are the Swedish and the Dutch. Interestingly, Sweden is the least likely to be aware of Jewish influence in Europe, and also has the highest rape rate in Europe due to their love of subhuman cultural enrichers.
The United States scored an also pathetic 95th place, with only 9% being Antisemitic.
Interestingly, religion seemed to play a role, with Orthodox Christian nations being the most likely to be Antisemites, Catholic nations being second most likely, and Protestant nations least likely.

Another point which is quite telling is that older people are more aware of the Jewish problem than younger people, given that they have memory of the crimes of the Jews and have been subject to less propaganda explaining away the endless crimes of the vampire race.

I am here reminded of that stupid girl who attacked her own grandfather for hating the Jews and then mocked him on YouTube.
Fact: This is Good News
Even though we must acknowledge that the way that the ADL has chosen to label people as Antisemites based on political opinions is ridiculous, we must also acknowledge that these numbers are encouraging.
The fact of Jewish control is obvious, and all we must do is make the people aware of the fact. There is no need to convince anyone to do anything other than look at something that is right in front of their faces.
We do not need to confuse them with conspiracy theories about secret depopulation plots and FEMA death camps, we do not need to get them to accept anything on faith or conjecture. All that we must do is get them to look and see that Jews hold an exorbitant amount of control in our nations, and then see that they use this control for their own benefit and to our detriment. Once this basic fact is understood, everything else becomes clear.
All of the internet warriors fighting the good fight against the Jews are to be commended. The knowledge is spreading exponentially throughout all the nations.
If we stick to the plan, our victory is imminent.