Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2015

I have met intelligent people on both sides of the debate over global warming. What I have not met is intelligent people who think we should continue to allow third world subhumans to breed uncontrollably. So, I was happy to hear that a global warming alarmist organization has come up with the solution of enforcing birth control on third world people. Whether or not global warming is an actual problem is not really relevant.
The Washington D.C. based Population Reference Bureau has released a report demanding that the rat-like breeding habits of these low-IQ monkey be shut down.
In Pakistan, where just a third of married women use contraception, half of all pregnancies – 4.2 million each year – are unintended, according to the Washington-based Population Reference Bureau.
At the same time, the rising population in Pakistan – and elsewhere around the world – is creating more climate-changing emissions and putting more people in the path of extreme weather, food and water shortages, and other climate change pressures.
That suggests that giving more women who want it access to birth control to limit their family size – in both rich and poor countries – could be a hugely effective way to curb climate change and to build greater resilience to its impacts, according to population and climate change researchers and policy experts.
“We’re not talking about population control. We’re talking about giving people the choice to limit their family size and all the good things that go on from that” such as better health and education, said Baroness Jennny Tonge, chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health, during an event at the UK Parliament Monday on linking population and climate issues.
Not extreme, but it is starting the conversation and implanting the idea in the liberal masses that these stink-apes are going to destroy the world if they continue to multiply at this exponential rate.
From where I sit, there are two long term options:
1.) Require mass sterilizations of women in third world countries as a prerequisite to financial aid, or
2.) Cut off all foreign aid and close the borders of these countries, letting them starve because they are completely incapable of maintaining these populations without Whitey feeding them.
At this point I am so angry about what is being done to my country and Europe by these filthy savages, I am leaning toward the latter option. However, I would be fine with the former.