Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 6, 2014

It is becoming more and more difficult for the Jew rodents to hide their hateful and evil nature from the goyim who finance their criminal base in the Middle East.
A Palestinian boy, who holds American citizenship, has been kidnapped and tortured by the Jews, and now comes the outcry. Of course, the Jews kidnap and torture Palestinian children on what must be an hourly basis, but this matters, because this sand person held an American passport, meaning that it is legally no different than if the Merchants had kidnapped any other American boy and mutilated his face.

Two videos of the beating were released, the first from the Palestine Today television channel, the second posted on Facebook by Quds News Network.
The illusion that the Jew state is “our greatest ally” is a house of cards. Once the reality of who and what these “people” are begins to shine through, the whole thing collapses, and you are looking at a hate-filled, war-mongering monster hellbent on creating chaos and death on a scale never before witnessed by human kind.
And once the Jew state is seen as it really is, it won’t take much for the occupying Jew parasite in our countries to be seen the same.
The US has condemned the beating and detention of a 15-year-old Palestinian-American by Israeli police after a massive social media campaign exploded in cyber space decrying the actions and hypocrisy of Israeli authorities.
“We can confirm that Tarek Khdeir, an American citizen, is being held by Israeli authorities in Jerusalem. [Tarek Abu Khdeir ] was visited by an official from the US Consulate General in Jerusalem today,” US State Department spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, said in a press release.
The US is “profoundly troubled” by reports that the teenager was “severely beaten while in police custody” while visiting Israel on vacation from Tampa Florida, and strongly condemns “any excessive use of force.”
“We are calling for a speedy, transparent and credible investigation and full accountability for any excessive use of force,” Psaki said.
A shocking video of the brutal attack that was leaked on the internet, showing Israeli police officers savagely beating the 15-year-old cousin of Mohammad Abu Khdeir who was burnt alive in East Jerusalem, has prompted outrage in the Palestinian community. His family has issued a statement saying that “Tarek is in dire need of medical attention and his family is calling for his immediate release after this brutal beating and arbitrary arrest.”
Despite the obvious need of medical attention, the Israeli authorities refused to provide him with such for 5 hours, the family said in a press release. According to the family, the teenager was denied an Arab doctor and when his father asked that his son be treated at a hospital of their choice the request was also denied.
“While in the hospital, his face had swollen to a degree to which he could not speak when conscious and blood was also found in his urine, concerning family that there could be internal bleeding,” relatives say.
The boy was then transferred directly to court but has not yet been formally charged, though authorities claim he was throwing stones “despite being unable to provide any evidence to the court.”
When asked by the court under what basis Tarek was being held, prosecutors said they were still “collecting evidence.”
Meanwhile the aunt of the teenager told the Electronic Intifada that Palestinians have no rights in Israel. “When I talked directly to [Tarek’s] mother she said the consulate told them we have to follow the legal procedures here [in Israel]. But there are no legal procedures for Palestinians. Palestinians aren’t considered human,” Suhad said.
Tarek was the cousin of the boy abducted and murdered by the Jews. He was born in the US.
The Jews believe they are untouchable. Because since they killed the Führer and spread their idiot holo-gibberish, took over the University system, created Hollywood – they have been untouchable.

But now they are acting in an insane manner. Many within the Jew community itself are begging those at the top to slow down, but slow down they shall not. They will ride this thing all the way to the end, at full-throttle, until it goes off the tracks.
My guess is that Netanyahu is going to flatly refuse to apologize for this. Because they simply cannot regulate their own behavior, these Jews.