Good News: Mexican Truck Death Toll Rises to TEN!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 25, 2017

Thankfully, the death toll in the hot wetback love truck fiasco has risen to ten.

However, that is only a small amount of wetbacks. We have over 40 billion wetbacks in this country, and we need rid of all of them.

Fox News:

Adan Lara Vega said he was told the $5,500 he was being charged to be smuggled into the United States would include an air-conditioned truck ride.

Note that before Trump, it was free – you just walked.

Instead, the 27-year-old Mexican laborer climbed with his friends into a pitch-black, metal tractor-trailer compartment that lacked ventilation — a deadly oven that would claim 10 lives.



“After an hour I heard … people crying and asking for water. I, too, was sweating and people were despairing,” Lara Vega told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview Monday from his bed in a San Antonio hospital. “That’s when I lost consciousness.”

By the time he regained it Sunday, he was in the hospital, where his ID bracelet identified him by the last name Lalravega. Mexican consulate and U.S. officials later told AP the correct spelling was Lara Vega.

He told the AP it all started when he climbed aboard the tractor-trailer in the border city of Laredo, Texas, with six friends from the state of Aguascalientes after the group waited nearly two weeks in a safe house.

“The guy we were with in the house told us they’d be putting us in a refrigerated compartment, a refrigerated compartment with air. But that didn’t happen,” he said.


Instead you got – AN OVEN!

The trailer was already full of people when the door opened up on a Laredo street. Lara Vega said it was so dark he couldn’t see how many there were. A few were children, he said, whose voices he later heard begging for water.

He said the smugglers didn’t offer passengers water, and he and his friends hadn’t brought any with them. The ride to San Antonio would only be 150 miles (240 kilometers).

Lara Vega said he never saw the driver of the tractor-trailer. He said that when people are being smuggled, they are told not to look at the faces of their handlers — and it’s a good idea to obey.

The Negroid driver is being charged with relation to the death.

I think the “victims” should be charged posthumously!

Their bodies should be desecrated!


Fox News:

The man accused of allowing 10 people to bake to death inside a sweltering trailer Sunday was charged on Monday with a slew of offenses related to the botched smuggling mission — and if convicted, he could face the death penalty.

Federal authorities charged the alleged driver of the tractor-trailer, James Mathew Bradley Jr., 60, of Clearwater, Fla., with transporting immigrants in the U.S. illegally.

A complaint filed Monday accuses Bradley of driving a trailer packed with illegal immigrants for “commercial advantage or private financial gain,” which carries the possibility of the death penalty or life in prison.

According to federal prosecutors, officials responded to the Walmart store around midnight Sunday, and found several people “standing and lying in the rear of the trailer” while Bradley was in the cab. Bradley told officers he only discovered people in the trailer “when he exited the vehicle to relieve himself,” and attempted to administer aid to them.

During questioning, Bradley said he was traveling from Laredo to San Antonio, after having the tractor-trailer washed and detailed at a truck stop near Laredo, around 150 miles away, officials said. Bradley told authorities he was taking the trailer to Brownsville to deliver it to someone who had purchased it.

When he stopped at the Walmart, Bradley told investigators he heard banging and shaking in the trailer, and was surprised “when he was run over by ‘Spanish’ people and knocked to the ground,” according to the complaint.

Bradley said he knew the trailer’s refrigeration system did not work, and that the four vent holes probably were clogged, according to officials. In addition, Bradley said he called his wife, but he did not call 911 from the Walmart parking lot, prosecutors said.

Wow that’s a kooky story he came up with.

“Man I ain’t even known nuffin bot dem Spanish in mah truck. Musta just went in there.”

That is one thing you have to admit the blacks are good at – coming up with stories to tell cops.

Good News

The good news is that people don’t seem to be responding as I would have expected them to respond.

I haven’t seen very many people at all blaming Trump.

Overall, the Jew blogosphere is ignoring the event.

I think the reason they aren’t doing that is that they don’t want to bring attention to just how effecient Trump’s border security has been, to the point where they’re having to use these methods that haven’t been used since before George W. Bush to get people across the border.