Good Samaritans Rescue White Cop from Savage Black Beating

ABC Action News
September 9, 2015

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The Deputy was hospitalized by the Black who got out of the car and pounced on him, while punching him in the head.

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office is publicly thanking the three Good Samaritans who came to the aid of Deputy Sheriff Mike Walshon Sunday when they witnessed a suspect, Corey Johnson, beating up Deputy Walsh and then fleeing on foot.

George Cooper, Antonio Velazquez, and Christopher Carver were the three Good Samaritans.

“There are people in this world who have no respect for the law, or for the peacekeepers and those who are sworn to uphold the law,” said Sheriff Grady Judd.  “Yes, some of those people live right here in Polk County. But we also are blessed that there are people in this county who support law enforcement and first responders. When they see something, they say something – or they do something. These three men, who do not know each other or Deputy Walsh, probably had better things to do on a Sunday morning than jump out of their cars to help catch a violent fleeing suspect. We can never thank them enough for their selfless actions. George Cooper, Antonio Velazquez, and Christopher Carver – you are our heroes.”

The incident took place around 9 a.m. on Sunday.

According to the Sheriff, Deputy Walsh, who is assigned to the Traffic Unit and was patrolling the Winter Lake Road of Winter Haven area on his motorcycle, saw the suspect fail to stop at the stop sign on King Road.

Walsh had to brake his motorcycle to avoid being struck by the car, the sheriff said.

Corey Johnson chimped out on the police officer but was unable to kill him as other people intervened.

Walsh ran his lights and sirens in an attempt to pull the car over. Johnson reportedly ignored Walsh but eventually pulled over at Winter Lake Rd at Camellia Rd.

The Sheriff says Johnson ignored Walsh’s directions to remain in the car and hand over his driver’s license.

Johnson then came out of his car and began punching Walsh about the head and face, dislodging his agency-issued radio headset and knocking the deputy to the ground, the sheriff explained.

“He just got out of the car and started beating the officer and then got on top of him beating him,” recalled George Cooper.

Johnson then straddled Walsh across his chest and continued to punch him and attempting to remove his gear from his duty belt. Walsh kept one hand firmly on his firearm so that the suspect could not remove it, and was able to flip the suspect off of him, at which time the suspect fled on foot, according to the Sheriff.

Several passing motorists witnessed the incident and stopped to assist.

George Cooper rushed to assist Walsh, who was laying on the road, and then ran after Johnson.

“When I see someone fighting a police officer I am going to stop at and help,” Cooper said.

Cooper, who has a bad leg and herniated discs in his neck, has to wear a leg brace.   He said the pain he felt didn’t stop him.

“I’d do it again,” he said.