Goofy Twerp Paul Ryan Attacks the Alt-Right, Defends Islamic Terrorism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 5, 2016

barack obama paul ryan


I believe this is the highest-profile attack on our burgeoning political movement thus far – by none other than our worst enemy – the worst enemy of America – the cuckold bitch Paul Ryan.

And he did not disappoint. The attack is just as limp-wristed and faggoty as anyone possibly could have imagined.

Business Insider:

Paul Ryan on Friday ripped the “alt-right” platform on which he accused his primary opponent of running after his challenger questioned why the US has “Muslims in the country.”

Ryan later said the “alt-right,” a group that has provided some of the most fervent support of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, “isn’t even conservatism.”

“Ah, look, I hate to even give such comments currency by even talking about them,” Ryan said. “This is not the US Constitution. This is not the US Bill of Rights. Let’s just be really clear about this.”

“I think they call it alt-conservatism,” he added, before Sykes jumped in and referred to it as the “alt-right.”

“This is not Wisconsin conservatism. … That kind of dark, grim, indefensible comments are going to be clearly rejected and repudiated on Tuesday. I have a hard time seeing the thinking behind this. Unfortunately, we see some of it these days.”

That is because, you faggot, you don’t have to live with these monkeys.

As comrade Nehlen showed, you live in a big house in a White neighborhood with a wall around it.

The people have to mingle with these apes, and we are fed-up with it. We are all fed-up with it.

And we are fed-up with retarded nonsense like “you have to be flooded with Moslems because of the Constitution.”

paul ryan isis supporter

“It’s in the Constitution.”

There is nothing sicker than a spineless traitor to the people and the nation using the Constitution to defend the destruction of this great nation. The Constitution was written by White slave owners, who did not believe that non-Whites were even human. The claim that it can be twisted into meaning that we have to have Islamic immigration is maniacal lunacy.

Let me say this one more time: there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that guarantees anyone a “right” to immigrate to this country.

paul ryan cuckold bitch

The document Paul Ryan believed was the Constitution was actually a cuckold porno magazine.

The Constitution does say: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”


In case you don’t know what that word means, Mr. Ryan – and clearly you either don’t know what it means or simply do not care – he’s the definition:


The Constitution was written by great White men for the sake of their descendants. Not monkeys from anywhere and/or everywhere, as you continue to claim.

Sykes asked Ryan what he’d say if Trump came out and supported the comments made by Nehlen, which the businessman told a Chicago radio station on Thursday.

“Look, I’m not going to go into the hypothetical,” he said, repeating that his endorsement of Trump is not a “blank check.”

He acknowledged, though, that there could be a point at which he withdraws his endorsement of Trump. But he declined to say what might make him rescind his support.

“If I hear things that I think distort conservatism, that disfigure our values … I’m going to defend ourselves so people in this country don’t get a misperception about who we are and what we believe in,” he said. “I’ve had to do that from time to time, certainly more than I’ve wanted to.”

“Conservatism” is over, Paul.

It is dead and buried and it is never coming back.

Donald Trump has slain that diabolical beast.


The GOP is now a Nationalist-Populist party, and you no longer belong in it with you sick ideas of open borders, free trade and endless wars for Israel.

Your time is up.

You can either join the Democrat party – who does believe in these precious conservative values of yours – or you can retire.

It means nothing to us.

If Nehlen doesn’t win on Tuesday, the Alt-Right is going to vote in a Democrat, just to get you the hell out of our way.

But there is a very good chance Nehlen will win.

