Google Continues to Censor Results on Hillary Clinton’s Health After Having Been Caught

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 1, 2016

Google is continuing to censor autofill results on Hillary Clinton’s health even after having been caught red-handed.

When it was discovered that while Yahoo! and Bing will automatically suggest disease and seizure-related options as soon as you begin typing “Hillary Clinton,” in Google, even after you type “Hillary Clinton Health,” you will be suggested options on her healthcare plan.

I just went ahead and confirmed this right now.


yahoo clinton health sept 1





Google has responded by saying they censor “offensive” results.

That rule came into play to protect from stuff like this:


I mean, the last thing a kid who can’t get a gf wants to hear about is that those same girls who won’t be his gf are experiencing masturbation problems.

But what is “offensive” about Hillary Clinton’s health?

I mean, clintonseizure.gif is offensive to me, but I don’t think it’s the same thing.

What’s more, RT (in the clip above) has dug-up footage of Hillary Clinton speaking out against internet censorship – and specifically mentioning the censoring of search results!

Regrettably for the Jews, the plan isn’t working. Discussion of Clinton’s health is exploding throughout the media.

And the coverage isn’t good.

In fact, mainstream media outlets are calling-out other mainstream media outlets for claiming it’s a “conspiracy theory.”



It’s always been an odd argument to make: A 68-year-old woman running for president with blood clots who suffered a concussion in recent years isn’t allowed to have her medical condition questioned or even broached.

To do so, critics, especially those on CNN and, said it would be engaging in peddling conspiracy theories.

(article is worth reading.)



Compared to the youthful Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are walking husks, spotted by age and raked by the hard life dealt to those who, after gathering power, only want to gather more. Trump, 70, looks like an elderly Clydesdale, right down to the mane and the wattles. Clinton, who will turn 69 in October and looks to wear less make-up than Trump, has insisted on a shade of blonde that’s contradicted by all the usual signs of aging—wrinkles, sagging skin, double chin, lost muscle mass, dark circles, et al.

So it’s no surprise that speculations about the physical and mental firmity of these two senior citizens has been raised as a campaign issue. If Trump and Clinton were in the running to take over a troubled Fortune 500 company or assume the presidency of a major university, critics would rightly point out that having collected their three score and ten, both were past their prime and neither were likely to reclaim it in the next four years.

So, the Salon strategy has worn thin.


We need to keep pushing this.

Because no one has any idea who this Kaine guy even is.

Now it’s clear why my prediction about Bernie being the VP wasn’t fulfilled, no?