Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2014

As the Olympics begin, Google has joined the degenerate chorus in demanding that Russia, against the will of the people of that nation, begins to allow homosexuals to market their lifestyle to children.
Today, their cover page features a rainbow with images of athletes, along with the following quote:
“The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.” –Olympic Charter
Let us reflect: Putin is not disallowing sexual degenerates to practice their sport. He has repeatedly confirmed that as long as homosexual athletes stay away from children, the Russian authorities will not bother them. But reality doesn’t matter to these people – if it did, they would accept the scientific fact that homosexuality is a mental illness, and that a serious percentage of practicing homosexuals are pedophiles, and represent a clear and present danger to children.

As the vast majority of people in Russia are extremely opposed to homosexuality, all that Putin is doing in representing them, in his passing of legislation to restrict the ability of homosexuals to market their sexual behavior patterns. As such, those who oppose these laws are not only opposing Putin, they are opposing the people of Russia, and demanding that the society itself change in order to fit the new morality of the Jewish-dominated Western world.
Note that we are once again confronted with the bizarre nature of this word “democracy,” which allegedly means that the majority rule society, however, whenever the majority disagree with the Jews, that majority becomes “anti-democratic.”
We need to continue to press the point that these laws are designed to protect children from being constantly exposed to homosexual propaganda, in the way that they are in Western countries. In protesting these laws, Google and Obama and all the rest of the screaming whiners are saying that they believe an identity based on an aberrant form of unhealthy, bizarre sexual behavior – a man inserting his penis into another man’s anus, let us never forget that this is what a homosexual is – is something that children should be encouraged to take on.
The Jews, the homosexuals and their supporters have launched a war not only against God and nature, but against the innocence of children. It is simply beyond comprehension that they have the nerve to claim the moral high-ground.