Daily Stormer
November 13, 2014

On Veteran’s Day on Monday, Google honored our servicemen. Or, it honored one of our serivemen, then some Blacks, an Asian and a woman.
There was only one White male out of five figures featured, which is a gross misrepresentation of the actual military, and a slap in the face of the White men who have died for this country.
According to official 2012 statistics, women made up only 14% of active-duty military, and “minorities” were only 30%. So Google has doubled the number of minorities and more than doubled the number of women. And that is just in the current active military, and this holiday is meant to honor veterans, where there would be a much lower percentage of women and coloreds.
Jewgle will Jew you at every turn!
It’s a shame, really, because the White programmers who put Google together did a very good job. They have a right to be running it, rather than these Jew snakes.