Google Jew Spills Beans on Female BDSM Pr0n Obsession

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 5, 2017

As it turns out, this wasn’t just an isolated incident.


You’ve got another hole in your feminist narrative!

Better make more laws against freedom!

Daily Caller:

The popular feminist narrative would have you believe that porn is largely consumed by men, and that depictions of violent — or at least rough — sex would be a primarily male-dominated interest.

This is untrue, states researcher Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, who says that porn featuring violence against women is significantly more popular among women compared to men.

His findings might explain the popularity of the BDSM-heavy “Fifty Shades of Grey” series of novels among female readers.

Speaking to Vox in an interview about how Google data proves that most Americans lie about their sexual preferences, the researcher and author of “Everybody Lies” asserts that more women enjoy the genre compared to male porn watchers — despite common sense and politically correct claims to the contrary.

“Porn featuring violence against women is also extremely popular among women,” said the author. “It is far more popular among women than men.”

“I hate saying that because misogynists seem to love this fact,” he added. “Fantasy life isn’t always politically correct.”

As a virulent misogynist, I will tell you right now that I do not love or like or in any way enjoy this fact.

I very much wish that women were not twisted, psychopathic perverts. I wish women were normal people, like in the feminist fables.

Women are the sickest of the sick. They have a primitive, barbaric sex drive which they hide under a thin veil of fluttering eyelashes and pouting lips. All I have ever done as a misogynist is admit this fact – as it is only through admission of that fact that we are going to be able to formulate a healthy and happy society.

Americans aren’t the only people susceptible to self-deception, claims Stephens-Davidowitz.

“The rate at which women watch violent porn is roughly the same in every part of the world. It isn’t correlated with how women are treated,” he stated.


The sex drive is the same everywhere.

However, their happiness and contentedness levels are correlated with how they are treated: they prefer the patriarchy.

This is the hidden reason why women are calling for mass invasion by Moslems.

White men abandonned WHITE SHARIA! – so the ladies now want Sandnigger Sharia (a cultural appropriation of the original Sharia, WHITE SHARIA!)

We need to get these filthy sluts in line, and we need to do it quickly.