Google Kikes Cockblock Catalan App on Order of Spanish Overlords

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 29, 2017

Google: kiking you right in the gizzard since the mid-1990s.

When will Google be globally recognized as the menace to freedom that it is?


The High Court in Catalonia has ordered US tech giant Google to remove an application which provided information on where and how to vote in Sunday’s referendum on the region’s independence from Spain.

The judge said that the “On Votar 1-Oct” application on the Google Play smartphone app store violated the ruling of Spain’s Constitutional Court, which labelled the plebiscite illegal.

Google was also ordered to block any future applications developed by the gmail address “,” which was behind the banned app.

The judge said the appearance of the app once again showed the “reluctant attitude” of the Catalan government to previous court rulings to block referendum websites.

“They mean to dodge said blockades with computer applications for mobile devices, which, like the web pages, only promote and facilitate the holding of the referendum on October 1,” he said.

According to the Spain Report, Google has followed the court order and blocked the app which is now inaccessible from the Spanish territory.

“We remove content from our platforms when we receive a court order or when it violates our terms and conditions,” the company said.

The local authorities in Catalonia reiterated on Friday that the vote will go ahead as scheduled on Sunday, despite strong opposition from Madrid.

Spanish authorities have been actively working to prevent the vote as thousands of additional police were deployed to the region, with orders to take control of the voting booths.

Earlier this week, the organization managing the registration of domains ending in .cat was raided by the police.

Oh, they’re going after your domains, are they?

Now, I sympathize with the Catalanese.

This struggle is real.