Google to Build “Future City” – in Canada

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 18, 2017

Why is Google doing this in Canada, and not the US?

If I were Donald Trump, I would sanction them for this move.

Google is literally subsidized by the American taxpayer – and they’re going to build their future city in another country?

Make them pay back the money we gave them.


Sidewalk Labs, owned by Google’s parent company, Alphabet, is to build a digital city in Toronto.

It aims to turn a waterfront area into a working laboratory for a range of “smart” technology.

It is likely to feature fast wi-fi availability, millions of sensors, sustainable energy and autonomous cars.

Technology companies are touting their hardware and software to cities, as urban planners tackle issues such as congestion, pollution and overcrowding.

Public-private partnerships such as the one in Toronto could bring benefits, but cities needed to be sure about what they were getting out of the deal, said Robert Puentes, an urban planning expert from US think tank the Eno Centre for Transportation.

“Cities are trying everything they can to boost their economies and build infrastructure, but they have to realise that companies are not doing it for altruistic reasons – they are interested in generating profit for their shareholders,” he said.

“Cities need a clear vision of what they want to achieve, and they shouldn’t expect the private sector to do the job for them.”

The project in Quayside, which will be known as Sidewalk Toronto, was welcomed by Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

“This will create a test bed for new technologies in Quayside,” Mr Trudeau said.

“Technologies that will help us build smarter, greener, more inclusive cities – which we hope to see scale across Toronto’s eastern waterfront and eventually in other parts of Canada and around the world.”

The Quayside area in Toronto – some 800 acres (3.2 sq km) in total – is one of the largest underdeveloped urban areas in North America.

This isn’t even like a corporate “oh it’s cheaper and we don’t have the money” move. I could at least understand if they were doing it in Mexico. But the taxes and labor costs are going to be higher in Canada – so it is just purely an “f u America” move by Google kikes.

“Da, Feter. We always remember to kike the goyim.”

This is presumably not simply meant as a demo of technologies, but also as a theme park that will draw millions of visitors a year from all over the world – that is to say, this is a major gift on many levels to the Canadian nation.

Eight-Hundred acres is YUGE.

Disneyland California, as comparison, is 85 acres.

They’re going to say that they need this uninhabited urban land.

But I wonder why they don’t build it in Detroit?

Surely, they have he urban land space.

In fact, this is the most uninhabited urban area in the world, if I remember correctly. They would also be super-quick to make a tax-free deal on something that is going to bring jobs and tourist dollars.

Hm, let me just think on that for a minute why Google wouldn’t want to do this in Detroit…



Mind that those Detroit census numbers are 8 years old. Most of the Mexicans have left now. The city is 90+% black.


Is Google racist?

If I were Donald Trump, that is exactly what I would say to these people: why not Detroit?

He doesn’t have to call them racists directly, just bring up black people who live there and say he called the mayor and asked him if he’d like to have a Google city there.

That could be epic. I think by implying racism, he could force Google to move this to Detroit.

Then all the liberal trendies from the coasts who go visit it will get a taste of why it is us flyover people are so darned opposed to our homes turning 90% African.