Google: We Wuz Inventorz

Daily Stormer
September 22, 2016

american inventors Google Search

Really, Google? Really?

You racists keep saying that Whites built America, but all it takes is a little Google search to find out that all our top inventors were black!

Checkmate, bigots.

No, but seriously, though. This kind of dishonesty is absolutely disgusting. I had to scroll 2-3 times to reach Nikola Tesla, probably the greatest inventor of all times (responsible for radio, radar, alternating current and much, much more).

Also, pretty much none of these so-called “Black inventors” are legitimate.

A good expose:



I feel almost embarrassed, here.

It feels like kicking a retard while he’s down. But since you have large organizations like Google pushing this narrative, we have no choice but to debunk this nonsense and remind people that Blacks, in fact, dindu nuffin’.