Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 30, 2015

Congratulations go to me and my hatefilled people in Ohio, because we just won this racism map:

Apparently, the above map is based on the number of times people Google the word “nigger,” which is sort of a silly thing to base a map on, but I don’t care because me and my peoples in the PA, the WV and the KY won the game, and the rest of you are all a bunch of sickening SJW nigger-lovers.
I am personally taking full responsibility for this victory. Every time I am out and about, buy groceries or hard liquor or whatever, I say to people: “do you know what these niggers are up to? If not, I’d advise you to Google it.”
To be fair though, out in that big green part, there really aren’t very many Blacks, so people don’t have any reason to think about racism.
Nah, that’s a copout.
Most likely they are just a bunch of nigger-lovers.