GOP Debate: The Donald Shuts Down Bread Cruz

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2016

What would you do if you were a Cuban wetback born in Canada and your face was made of bread…?


Would you run for President of America?

The first GOP debate of 2016 was last night. I haven’t watched the whole thing. But it is being reported as the best performance of The Donald.

The big talk is that Cruz and Trump faced off against each other. Cruz was asked about his potential ineligibility to be President, given that he was born in Canada with only one parent who was an American citizen. Trump told him to get a judge to declare his eligibility. It was rather brilliant.

I see a Trump spike following this performance.

The media is all announcing that it is now a two-man race, with everybody else on the stage simply wasting space and time. Jeb is still showing up at these things, the poor dear.

jeb bush

Rubio is out because no one cares. Magic Negro just whined and looked confused.

You can watch the full debate in parts on YouTube (can’t find a full upload yet).

First part:

Trump vs. Cruz might have been interesting, if it had happened earlier. But now it’s pretty well too late for anything much to happen. We’ve got two weeks until Iowa, with The Donald far in the lead and no time to consolidate support behind Cruz because all these other retards refuse to drop out.


Trump is going to win Iowa, he’s going to win the GOP nomination.

I still have a hard time believing he will actually be President. I just can’t see Jews letting it happen.

David Duke has suggested that the GOP establishment might run the Magic Negro third party just to ensure a Hillary win. He could do his Valium-induced Jesus talk to the Evangelicals and get 4 or 5% and block Trump.

Hopefully in such a case, Glorious Leader would stage some sort of coup.

Probably Putin could help.