GOP to Fund Obama’s ISIS Invasion Conspiracy

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 17, 2015

You should have known better than to think someone this goofy looking could be trusted not to flood you with ISIS.
You should have known better than to think someone this goofy looking could be trusted not to flood you with ISIS.

Paul Ryan has a brilliant plan: ISIS will be easier to stop if we bring them to America.

We’ll just be like “hey ISIS, you want to come to the autism center?” and then they’ll go there to shoot it up but we’ll be waiting for them with the military.

The catch-all spending bill Congress is set to pass this week will provide President Barack Obama with the funds he needs to admit an extra 45,000 refugees in the next two years, including a minimum of 10,000 from Syria.

Congressional leaders did not use the Obama administration’s annual request for funds as leverage to force him to address concerns with the resettlement program, and they did not negotiate the addition of a measure backed by conservative lawmakers that would require the administration to jump through additional security hoops when admitting Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

Instead, House Speaker Paul Ryan unveiled a $1.1 trillion spending package Tuesday, after weeks of negotiations with House and Senate leaders, that includes a blank check for the president’s plan.

If this doesn’t prove to you that the government is a hoax, nothing will. This is an issue with massive public support, and yet the GOP refuses to address it and will in fact endorse it.

We need Donald Trump.

We need to make America kebabless again.
