Gorilla Chieftan Lloyd Austin Swears Allegiance to Israel After Arabian Soccer Field Massacre

Why would Hezbollah be killing Arab civilians in Golan Heights?

And if they did that, why would Israel care?

Israel itself kills Arab civilians in the Golan Heights pretty regularly.

Jerusalem Post:

The United States would help Israel defend itself should a full-scale war break out with Lebanon, the country’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told reporters in the Philippines as Lebanon braced for an IDF counterstrike.

“We remain concerned about the potential of this escalating into a full fight. And I don’t believe that a fight is inevitable,” Austin said.

He spoke as the almost ten months of IDF-Hezbollah cross violence threaten to escape into a third Lebanon war following a Hezbollah strike that killed an Israeli on Tuesday and 12 Druze children on Saturday.

(The “Israeli” was just a Druze that had Israeli citizenship. No Jews were killed.)

The international community, led by the US and France has scrambled to contain the situation, as they pushed for a diplomatic resolution.

“I think that you know, we’d like to see things resolved in a diplomatic fashion,” he said, ducking a question about whether Israel could manage a full-out war with Lebanon as it battled Hamas in Gaza.

“Certainly that’s not a scenario that we’d like to see occur,” Austin said.

He pledged US support for Israel’s self-defense but was vague as to whether Washington would once again lead a coalition of five armies to protect Israel, as it did in April when the Jewish state was under attack by Iranian drones and missiles.

You see?

This new plan for war with Lebanon is reinvigorating the Americans. The British just said they are canceling previously stated plans to cut aid to Israel in light of Israel attacking Lebanon.

This is all of course exactly what I said was going to happen. It sucks being right about everything all the time, because it makes reality feel like watching a movie I’ve already seen.

The Foreign Minister of Lebanon just said that the Lebanese government will stand with Hezbollah against Israel.

He also said that there was no reason for Hezbollah to bomb a soccer field full of Arabs, that if you look at the history of Hezbollah, they target military installations and rarely accidentally kill civilians. What the Jews are claiming, again, and what the US media is going along with, is that Hezbollah killed Arab civilians in Golan Heights so therefore Israel must attack Lebanon. There was always going to be some kind of provocation to get the war started, but this is like, the dumbest possible provocation.

The other thing that Lebanese Foreign Minister said is that if Israel invades Lebanon, it will not just be Hezbollah and the Lebanese military that are fighting them, but also Iran and all of these militias that are all across the Middle East. That’s of course what everyone has been saying. And my assertion, from the beginning, from October of last year, was that the Israeli plan was to get the US involved in a war with Iran.

If Israel attacks Lebanon and Iran helps – as they are saying they are going to do – then Israel is going to attack Iran and then demand the US help them.

Donald Trump has quadrupled down on all of this, which is why he is more or less certain to “win” the US presidency in November.

The Democrats are ostensibly polling better because of coconut memes.

This doesn’t even matter.

Fake polls, fake election, endless war for Jews.

That’s all.