Gorilless Mad Maxine Waters has Meltdown While Questioning Jew Steve Mnuchin

Andrew Anglin and Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
July 28, 2017

This bitch be off da hizzy.

Her favorite rapper is Tupac, by the way.

Real thing.

This bitch is 78, meaning she was in fifties when Tupac came out. And she was comfortable, at that age, listening to music telling young black kids to kill each other and sell drugs. Point being, this bitch is nuts by even black people standards. Most old black people complain about rap music, given that young black people are a unique kind of stupid and they will do whatever someone tells them to do. So old black people are like, “yo Jews, can you be stop sellin dees materials to our keeds?”

Not Queen Maxine, however. She listens to “killin ain’t easy but somebody gotta do it,” and is like, “yes, this is good for black chillens.”

Anyway, enough background information there, champ – take a gander at this.

She’s reclaiming her time!
She’s reclaiming her time!
She’s reclaiming her time!