Daily Stormer
August 28, 2014

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest has declared that even in the event of a government shutdown, Obama will push through with his deranged agenda to grant citizenship to 6 trillion non-White invaders through illegal executive order.
Seriously people. This is getting ridiculous. How much more of this can you possibly take before you stand up and say “no”?
Reporters asked Earnest if the threat of a government shutdown would change Obama’s decision to offer executive amnesty to as many as five million illegal immigrants.
“No. It won’t, because the president is determined to take the kinds of common sense steps that are required to address the worst problems of our broken immigration system,” Earnest replied.
Earnest said the government shutdown in 2013 over Obamacare was harmful to the economy.
“They’ve done it before; hopefully they won’t do it again,” he said.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to feel sorry for you, America. I mean. Come on.