Grand Jury Indicts Black Former Police Officer for Multiple Sex-Related Charges

ABC 3340
January 21, 2014

Brandon Howard Danie
Brandon Howard Daniel was working as a case worker at the Shelby County Department of Human Resources when Police arrested him last year.

The grand jury has indicted Brandon Howard Daniel on several sex-related charges.

Alabaster police arrested Daniel last August. He was a case worker at the Shelby County Department of Human Resources. He also worked as a former Birmingham police officer before resigning earlier last year.

According to the indictment, Howard is facing charges of soliciting for purposes of influencing action, indecent exposure, and theft. According to the indictment, Howard threatened to take away the children of a client unless the client she had sex with him. He is also accused of taking a printed pillow case from the property.

Daniel is expected back in court in February.