Granny Goodness Le Pen Changing “National Front” to “National Rally”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 11, 2018

She might look like a typical mean old granny who no one even wants to talk to – but they has a big brain on this nibba!

Great plan, granny!

This is a way better decision than the decision that I would have made for you, which would be to bake some gosh-darn cookies and read a storybook to the grandkids!

Instead you came up with a 28-dimensional chess strat that would make The Donald himself do a triple-take!

Neato, rockin granny keep rockin out in the free world!

You look exactly like Neil Young anyway these days so you might as well!

You dumb old bitch!


French far-right leader Marine Le Pen proposed her National Front party be renamed the “National Rally” on Sunday, in a bid to shed a brand associated by many voters with racism and anti-Semitism and facilitate alliances with other parties.

Speaking at a party congress meant to help her reassert her authority following her defeat to President Emmanuel Macron last May, Le Pen said the party’s priority should be to gain power, which could only be achieved through a coalition with allies.

“Our goal is clear: power,” Le Pen told party cardholders gathered in the northern city of Lille, who cheered her speech denouncing immigration, globalization and a federal Europe.

“We were originally a protest party,” she said. “There should be no doubt now that we can be a ruling party.”

The idea of changing the party’s name was only approved by a narrow majority of National Front members, with 52 percent backing it on Saturday, according to figures provided by the party. They will get to vote again on the new name by post.

Jean-Marie Le Pen, the 89-year old far-right veteran who founded the party in 1972, called the name change political “suicide” in an interview with Reuters last month.

“The National Front name carries an epic and glorious history, which no-one should deny,” Marine Le Pen said. “But you know it is for many French people a psychological obstacle.”

Look at this woman! She’s a friggin PSYCHOLOGIST!

Baking cookies she doth not!

I haven’t seen someone wield a focus group with this kind of precision since… since they put that nigger in charge of McDonald’s and he transformed Ronald McDonald from a clown into a circus ringmaster in clown makeup!

Le Pen should literally just tell National Front to go f themselves and start writing books about the practical application of focus group data!


I joke, friends, but my soul is tired of all the retard shit that happens. All of the unnecessary failure. It wears on me.

I’m looking at this name change and I’m seriously like “this is the stupid fucking thing I’ve seen anyone do since Steve Bannon brought that kike into the White House to write his anti-Trump book and then told him he believed the Russian kookspiracy…”

And then I’m like – AYO HOL UP.


Oh, right – he’s on tour with Neil Young – WAIT ONE SECOND HERE…

Really makes you think.