Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
January 13, 2019
Lois Ashton
If she didn’t want to lose her teeth then why did she change that Facebook profile picture, huh?
A woman had her teeth kicked out and her jaw broken in a horrific attack from her violent boyfriend after she ‘changed her Facebook profile picture’.
Lois Ashton, from Liverpool, was kicked so hard in the face that three of her teeth fell out and one was pushed through her gums into her nose.
he 29-year-old, who is now forced to wear dentures, was attacked by ex-boyfriend Andrew McNair following a night out with friends.
McNair, who has been jailed for 36 months, launched the violent assault after he saw Ms Ashton had taken him off her profile picture.
She now suffers from flashbacks, panic attacks and struggles to leave her house or have face to face conversations with people.
Andrew McNair appeared in court in November 2017 and was sentenced to 36 months in prison after pleading guilty to assault, wounding and destroying property.
But Ms Ashton, who attended court, said he has now been freed.
She said: He was released after 11 months and is out now living his life, like what he did was a minor incident.
He shouldn’t have spent a day in jail. What this man did was well within his rights and taught her a valuable lesson: don’t be a whore.
The Jews have created a situation where we can’t be verbally mean to women, but we also can’t be physically mean to them. I mean, we can, but that would be breaking their rules. How are we supposed to train women if not by putting them in their place by any means necessary?
Whores can destroy your life by claiming you raped them, no proof needed, and if you’re married, they can take away half your stuff at any time they feel like, no questions asked. This situation helps the Jews move forward with the embrowning of the West.
If we can’t put our women in their places, how can we throw Jews into ovens? That’s their reasoning.
Joke’s on them though, we can do both at the same time.