Greasy Fat Kike “Fact Checker” Talia Lavin Confuses War Hero’s Military Tattoo for “Neo-Nazi Symbol”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 22, 2018

God, I hate this sloppy fat tub of soap ingredients.

She is ugly and fat inside and outside.

She has fat surrounding her brain.

Seriously – what kind of “fact checker” gets this wrong?

Why did she not check the facts?

Daily Mail:

A fact-checker with the New Yorker is under fire after she commented on a Twitter photo accusing an ICE worker of having a tattoo of a Nazi symbol – when in fact the ink represents the platoon he served in while fighting in Afghanistan.

In a tweet earlier this week, Talia Lavin implied that wounded soldier Justin Gaertner had the Nazi’s Iron Cross tattooed on his elbow.

Lavin, a 29-year-old Harvard grad, was replying to a photo tweeted by ICE and featuring Gaertner.

It was about the program ‘for wounded, injured & ill Special Ops Forces’.

The fact-checker later deleted the tweet saying that ‘military veterans responded that the tattoo looked more liked a Maltese cross, a symbol associated with firefighters’. 

Lavin said she took her original tweet down ‘so as not to spread misinformation’.

Here’s that. No apology. No admission of wrong doing. Not even the correct “fact check” of what it actually is.

The original tweet attacking the Vet is not readily available. Wonder why.

Here’s here Twitter account.

However, the damage was already done. ICE tweeted that Lavin made ‘erroneous attacks’ on Gaertner and demanded she and the New Yorker apologize. ICE also said Gaertner’s tattoo is a ‘Titan 2’, the symbol for his platoon when he fought in Afghanistan. 

Gaertner, who was a fire team leader and lead sweeper for improvised explosive devices, lost both legs and suffered other permanent injuries when an IED exploded during his deployment to Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

Since returning home from war, Gaertner is a para-Olympic athlete and an ICE computer forensics analyst, helping to solve criminal cases and rescue children who have been sexually exploited. 

Absolutely fucking disgusting.

This guy gets his legs blown off fighting for her RACIALLY PURE ETHNOSTATE while thinking he’s fighting for America, and she has the nerve to attack him as an evil racist.

Is she really that fucking stupid?

It’s not a joke that when you are as obese as she is, the fat cells penetrate and slow down your brain functions.

That’s yet another reason that the filthy fucking kikes promote this “body positivity” horseshit – it actually makes the goyim dumber.

This fat whore Talia is high on her own Jew supply, eating the goyfeed and turning into a monstrous slob whose brain can’t function.

But I’ll tell you.

The basic idea of a kike Jew attacking an American soldier who fought a war for Israel as a hater… it is simply unfathomable.

Jews literally shoot any brown person who approaches the borders of the “state” that they stole from these brown people. They are not simply a racially nationalist state, they are a racially nationalist occupation state, built on stolen land.

And then they send us to fight and get our legs blown off to protect this racially nationalist state they built on stolen land and defend with terrorist tactics against the native population… and want to attack legless soldiers as racists?

Regardless of fat brain inhibiting her ability to process images, she had to go looking for evil racist white supremacist neon-nazi soldiers.

ICE issued a statement demanding an apology.

In part:

Anyone attempting to advance their personal political opinions by baselessly slandering an American hero should be issuing public apologies to Mr. Gaertner and retractions. This includes Levin and the New Yorker.

The New Yorker then distanced themselves from Lavin, but have apparently not fired her.

They also did not issue the half-assed “apology” on their site or on their official Twitter, but instead only sent it to media outlets requesting a statement.

Here it is:

The New Yorker has just learned that a staff member erroneously made a derogatory assumption about ICE agent Justin Gaertner’s tattoo. The personal social-media accounts of staff members do not represent the magazine, and we in no way share the viewpoint expressed in this tweet.

It’s just… it’s just too much.

The rage that I feel right now towards these despicable, evil fucking rats.

It is an atavistic, animalistic type of vitriol that I feel.

That I could transform my physical form, by sheer force of will, into a creature of pure violence and hate that exists only to destroy.

This is the kind of rage that leads to real Holocausts.

If a few million white men felt what I feel right now, reading this story of this hooknosed fucking whale trying to humiliate and further destroy the life of a WHITE MAN who had his FUCKING LEGS BLOWN OFF in a WAR FOR ISRAEL, then their idiotic fantasy of getting stuffed into fake shower rooms and gassed with insecticide before being turned into lampshades and soap would become a reality very quickly.

We are counting down the days, Jews.

We are keeping lists – and we’re checking them twice.