Greasy Kike Ari Fleischer Faked Support for Trump, Now Says He’s Leaving Ballot Blank

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 7, 2016

When this Trump campaign was first getting started, a lot of people on the Alt-Right were weary of the few Jews supporting Trump.

I said from the beginning that this was part of a setup.

Now, they’re all jumping ship, saying “oh yes, I didn’t support him, goyim, but now I see he grabs them by the pussy, and as an upstanding moral Jew, I simply cannot support pussy grabbery.”

Ari Fleischer, a greasy Bush neocon kike, writes for the Washington Post:

I’m a white, college-educated male. People like me typically vote Republican for president. In 2012, when Mitt Romney lost to Barack Obama by four percentage points, Romney won my demographic group by 21 points. I’m also married. Romney beat Obama by 22 points among married men.


“White” he says.

“People like me” vote Republican, he says.

First paragraph is a total lie.

78% of people like him voted for Obama in 2008, 70% of people like him voted for him in 2012.

Jewish support for Democratic candidates is between 80 and 90 percent.

So no – people like Ari voting Democrat is not atypical.

This year, I’m struggling with how to vote.

I voted against Donald Trump in the GOP primary and regularly criticized him. But on May 3, when he secured the Republican presidential nomination, I tweeted: “There’s a lot about Donald Trump that I don’t like, but I’ll vote for Trump over Hillary any day.”

Since then, Trump has pretty much done everything in his power to make me change my mind.

I’m one of the few people from the Bush administration who stepped forward to support Trump. Even as an establishment Republican, I know Washington needs a good shakeup now and then. After all, a lot of what the experts and insiders recommend hasn’t worked out lately.

I was supposed to be a delegate to the GOP convention, but I decided not to go. I’d vote for Trump, but I wasn’t going to sing his praises. It felt rude to go to Cleveland and say negative things about him on the air. I watched from home, and I said at the time that I still wanted him to win but doubted he could.

Then Trump lost control of himself and his message. He veered recklessly off track, attacking an American judge for his Mexican heritage, criticizing a war hero’s family, questioning the legitimacy of the election and otherwise raising questions about his judgment. If this race were about change, Clinton or policy, Trump could win it. But he made it about himself. Because he is one of the most unpopular people ever to run for president, that was a big mistake.

But then there’s the alternative. Nothing will change if Clinton is elected, and that’s the problem.

But Election Day is coming. I need to decide.

On Tuesday, if someone puts a gun to my head and tells me to make a choice, I’ll say “shoot.”

If my ballot contained a box for whom I was voting against, my choice would be easy. Never Clinton. But voting means deciding whom to vote for.

I will vote for Republicans up and down the ballot. But when it comes to the presidency, I’m going to leave my ballot blank.

This is the Jews.

Trump is going to get a lower percentage of the Jewish vote than any Presidential candidate in the history of the country, by an extremely wide margin.

The only major members of the neocon Bush administration that support Trump still is are the goys Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft. They are basically the only three goyim involved in the Bush administration.

The Bushes themselves are apparently all voting for Clinton.

They’re all friends, you know.

COLLEGE STATION, UNITED STATES: Former US president George Bush (2nd-L), his wife Barbara Bush (L), their son Jeb Bush (C), First Lady Hillary Clinton (2nd-R), and US President Bill Clinton (R) look up to see the US Army Golden Knights parachute team 06 November at the conclusion of the dedication ceremony of the George Bush Library in College Station, TX. The current and former presidents of the US and a host of former world leaders and policy makers attended the 06 November dedication of the library. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE) AFP PHOTO Joyce NALTCHAYAN (Photo credit should read JOYCE NALTCHAYAN/AFP/Getty Images)clintonbush 16-bushes-clintons-w710-h473-2x 1416169403428_wps_14_washington_dc_september_0

Against this massive assemblage of criminal gang-members, we have one man.

An immortal warrior.

An eternal hero.

A dark horse who dgaf.

A Glorious Leader.


Hail Victory.