Greasy Kike Terrorist Accuses Kris Kobach of Being a Skin-Hater for Supporting Voter ID Laws

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 2, 2018

Jeffery Toobin, a CNN commentator who is – by pure coincidence, I assure you – Jewish, attacked Kris Kobach as a racist for supporting voter ID laws on Anderson Cooper’s show this week.

The Jew Toobin said, “Kris has devoted his career to stopping black people and poor people from voting.”

Kris responded, “So if you want voter ID, you’re trying to stop black people from voting?”

“Absolutely, absolutely,” said the Jew.

The argument of course is that black people are incapable of getting ID cards, because they are too lazy or stupid to go to the government office and get one.

So this is another instance of Jews admitting that black people are stupid while claiming that anyone who treats them as if they are not stupid – or believing that it is not the entire society’s problem that they are stupid – is driven by virulent hatred for the color of the skin.

Jews will of course claim at times that there are no differences in intelligence between the races (which is scientifically false), and then other times switch to this “black people are so stupid you hate them if you don’t treat them like babies” line of reasoning. They just jump back and forth between these positions smoothly and without warning.

If everyone is exactly the same, but you are so incompetent at life that you cannot acquire a state-issued ID card, then why should special laws be made to allow you to vote?

Of course, the real purpose of voter ID laws is to stop voter fraud. It is absolutely insane to have a country that is ostensibly run by voting where anyone can just walk into a polling station and vote. Especially a country with tens of millions of illegal immigrants and otherwise non-citizen immigrants.

Along with allowing non-citizens to vote, people can vote more than once under the present system. Even third world shitholes where people don’t have ID cards because the government is just that incompetent prevent this by making people put ink that takes a week to wash off on their fingers.

Most people don’t even know that you can vote without an ID, because even in the states where it isn’t required, they usually ask for it and you can just say no.

People hear this and they’re like “wait, what?” and then NPCs are like, “yeah, you’re a racist if you ask about it” and so they’re like, “oh okay sorry.”

Kris Kobach appeared after the CNN bit on Tuckah for a debriefing.

Tucker notes the obvious, as always: no one ever accuses airlines of being racists for requiring ID to get on a plane.