Greasy Neocon Kike David Frum Says Whites are Losing Race War

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 21, 2016

The greasy neocon kike David Frum today tweeted: “Modern neo-Nazis face a logical problem: how to reconcile their beliefs in white superiority & white defeat? How can both be true?”

This is clearly a tacit acknowledgement of the fact that we Whites are in a race war with the Jews and that we are presently losing it. He is mocking us, suggesting that the Jews are the real master race, as they are currently winning the race war.

There isn’t any other way to read that tweet.


The IRL face of David Frum.

Of course, we are superior to the kikes and the only reason we are losing this race war is that the kikes kidnapped our children and brainwashed them against their own race. They also did things like convince the altruistic and idealistic White man that women were equal to men and should have a right to participate in public life.

Plus various other sneaky tricks.

But now, the game has changed.

We’ve switched it up.

And we are right about to start winning.

And we are going to remember the names of these kikes who Jewed us.

In fact, we have lists.