Greasy Wetbacks Rush the Home of Wily Kike Chuck Schumer

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2018

It serves these wetbacks right…

They trusted a Jew.


Dozens of illegal aliens surrounded Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) home in New York on Tuesday demanding that Congress pass legislation immediately to give millions of people in the United States illegally amnesty and a pathway to citizenship.

“We want a Clean Dream Act,” the crowd chanted.

“When do we want it?” they chanted.

“Now!” they chanted.

The so-called Dreamers — some of whom are recipients of President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA – and potentially as many as 3.6 million illegals in all were reacting to the Senate vote on Monday to pass a Continuing Resolution funding the government until Feb. 8 that did not include any immigration amendments.

The crowd chanted in Spanish and English to Schumer; “If he won’t let us dream, we won’t let him sleep.”

The group that organized the protests in New York and on Capitol Hill, United We Dream, is funded by a slew of social justice and open borders organizations, including George Soros’s Open Society Foundation.

So yes.

The Jew George Soros is sending his brown minions to protest the Jew Chuck Schumer for blinking when Donald Trump called his bluff.

We should consider this situation ourselves.

There is zero doubt that the evil kike Schumer planned to and was trying to get these spics legal. He has a vested interest as a Democrat in doing so, as they are the only people who are going to vote for his party, and he has a vested interest as a Jew in doing so, as he is trying to wipe out the White Aryan Master Race.

However, he failed to pull it off. He bluffed and his bluff was called and he had to back down.

Trump won.

We should apply the principle that these spics are applying to their own politicians to Trump.

Firstly, we should understand that Trump cannot accomplish everything he intends to accomplish, and that doesn’t mean he’s bad. Secondly, we should be able to criticize him when he doesn’t accomplish what we hoped he would have accomplished.

Because right now, I see two groups of Trump voters:

  1. People claiming that he’s sold out, has failed, should just be denounced as a man, and
  2. People who will stick by his actions no matter what, even when he is not accomplishing what he is supposed to be accomplishing

Both of these positions are wrong. And it is an “all or nothing” white people attitude.

We need to approach politics more like these spics. They are doing identity politics, and that is what we should be trying to do.

We should support Trump by default, because he is the representative of white interests. But we should not be afraid to criticize him when he doesn’t live up to his role as the champion of white interests.

This is a straightforward thing, and only requires you to use logic and reason instead of emotion.