Greasy Wog Khan Attacks Kike-Gasser Corbyn!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 21, 2016


The filthy wog Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, who has been described as “swimming in his own body grease 24 hours a day,” has attacked the anti-Semitic leader of the Labour pary, Jeremy Corbyn.

Whereas Corbyn has continually called for the direction of public funds towards the building of genocidal gas chambers, Khan’s first official action as Mayor was to visit a holohoax memorial and bow down to the Jews.


London mayor Sadiq Khan has urged Labour voters to ditch Jeremy Corbyn as leader and vote for Owen Smith in the party’s leadership contest.

Writing in the Observer, Mr Khan said Mr Corbyn had “totally failed” to get his messages across in the UK’s EU referendum in June.

“Why would things be different in a general election?,” Mr Khan said.

Explaining his support for Mr Smith, he said the pair had agreed on the “big issues”, such as opposing the Iraq War.
Labour ‘suffering badly’

Mr Khan said: “Jeremy has already proved that he is unable to organise an effective team and has failed to win the trust and respect of the British people.

“Jeremy’s personal ratings are the worst of any opposition leader on record and the Labour party is suffering badly as a result.

“He has lost the confidence of more than 80% of Labour’s MPs in Parliament – and I am afraid we simply cannot afford to go on like this.”

He said that through the referendum and its aftermath, Mr Corbyn had “failed to show the leadership we desperately needed”.

“And you can’t just blame a ‘hostile media’ and let Jeremy and his team off the hook.

Yeah – (((hostile media))).

“I know from my own election – up against a nasty and divisive Tory campaign – that if we are strong and clear enough in our convictions, the message will get through to the public.

“That’s a test that Jeremy totally failed in the EU referendum. Why would things be different in a general election?

“His position on EU membership was never clear – and voters didn’t believe him.”

Mr Smith said he was “hugely honoured” to have Mr Khan’s support.

“Sadiq ran a fantastic campaign to win power for Labour in London this year, securing a huge mandate from party members and the electorate,” he said.

“He showed that a vision of hope and optimism can win, if it’s backed up with a credible plan to deliver real meaningful change for people’s lives.

“Since that election we have already seen what a difference Labour can make when we hold power.”

What precipitated Khan’s decision to get involved in this situation?

Well, I don’t know – but last week this happened.

The Telegraph:

The Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) has voted almost unanimously for Owen Smith over Jeremy Corbyn to become the new leader of the Party.

As many as 92 per cent of members balloted nominated Mr Smith, with just 4 per cent backing Mr Corbyn.

It comes after the incumbent Labour leader faced a series of attacked from Jewish groups and MPs over his failure to tackle the anti-Semitism row that has engulfed his Party.

Earlier this year Britain’s Chief Rabbi said the Labour party has a “severe” problem with anti-Semitism.

Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis criticised the “poisonous invective” and “politics of distortion” from party members such as Ken Livingstone.

JLM has more than 1,500 members and almost 59 percent took part in the ballot, with 4 per cent of members voting for ‘no nomination.’

Smith has been a hardcore Jew-supporter, and last week attacked Corbyn again for meeting with a communist troll who is planning to slit the throats of Jew journalists.

The Independent:

Owen Smith has attacked Jeremy Corbyn for agreeing to speak at an event at the Labour Party conference alongside a speaker who has previously called for a Jewish journalist’s throat to be cut.

Richard Seymour, the far-left blogger behind the Lenin’s Tomb blog wrote on Facebook last year with regard to a Jewish journalist who had been reporting on Israel-Palestine: “Jewish journalist reporting on Israel-Palestine,“F*ck him, they should cut his throat”.

Katie Green, chair of Owen Smith’s leadership campaign said: “These kind of violent and deeply offensive remarks make a mockery of Jeremy’s ‘kinder, gentler politics.’ Jeremy should be condemning his comments.”

Obviously, I don’t actually support Corbyn, because he is basically a communist. However, when we look at this situation, we really see the viciousness of Jews, and the fact that they don’t actually believe in anything to do with goyim politics, but simply manipulate them to push their own agenda.

Jeremy Corbyn Your Friend

Khan has shown himself to be an aggressive defender of the Jew occupation, no doubt viewing them as allies in his own race’s agenda of conquering and subduing the native British population.